Hashy's blog

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Earths "Secretary General" Dies! Chiggs to Invade Norway First!


s0 I hear that Bill Hunter, a Vict0rian b0rn Australian Act0r, has died at the age 0f 71 after a battle with the Chiggs.. I mean, cancer..

I 0nly rec0gnize this guy fr0m the pil0t epis0de 0f Space: Ab0ve and Bey0nd, an 0bscure mid 90’s sci fi series that was in effect a US Military pr0p0ganda piece ( the days bef0re vide0 games were the lure int0 the armed f0rces..)


RIP Sir, we salute y0u!

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Ultimate Geek Chair...


f0und this via Majorgeeks Off Base daily news.. Just had t0 share it… hahaha….


Makes my arms itchy just thinking ab0ut sitting in that thing… =p

Enj0y =)

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Minecraft 1.5

Minecraft has been updated t0 versi0n 1.5, we will need t0 get the teamipx server updated whenever p0ssible =)

Minecraft 1.5 includes:

*Weather (snow, thunder, rain)
*Detector rail
*Booster rail
*Performance improvements

More stats and achievements will be added later, and f0r n0w they’re st0red l0cally but in time will m0ve t0 0nline based st0rage.

I was just thinking a few weeks back that we needed s0me weather. s0unds like a g00d update =)

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2011 - Tribes Returns - Tribes Universe & Tribes Ascend


A few weeks back, Fuzz I think, p0inted me in the directi0n 0f yet an0ther Tribes game in devel0pment f0r this year; Tribes Ascend

Judging fr0m what I’ve already heard ab0ut Tribes Universe, I am thinking that Ascend will be m0re d0wn the alley 0f the traditi0nal Tribal.



Like Tribes Universe, Tribes Ascend will be based 0ff 0f Tribes 2; the best 0f the 3 previ0us Tribes games ( Starsiege Tribes, Tribes 2, and Tribes fl0p Vengeance.). g00d call in my 0pini0n.

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An0ther BFBC2 Update


there appears t0 be an0ther BFBC2 update. It’s happening n0w.


Steam users sh0uld have it start updating by n0w, n0n steam users like myself can find the patch ( n0t yet f0r me 0ff games.on.net) at http://www.ausgamers.com/files/details/html/55988

BUT f0rtuately f0r myself, I have 0ne day left in my internet m0nth, and just en0ugh d0wnl0ad all0cati0ns left t0 f0rg0e the wait f0r intern0de t0 setup their mirr0r. =p

Yes, the patch is 2.6 GB

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Tribes: Universe *Hashy Drools*


s0 I just stumbled up0n these happenings..



I can’t h0nestly say what t0 really expect, c0mpared t0 previ0us titles 0f the series. But s0mething new w0uld be nice, and I reck0n that, if it d0esnt det0ur t00 far 0ff fr0m the 0riginal games, that this w0uld be right up the teams alley.

y0u can sign up f0r the alpha here, but n0 guarantees 0f being accepted 0fc0urse. Give it a sh0t, sign up, and see what happens.

I will be keeping a cl0se eye 0n the devel0pment, and if accepted int0 the Alpha, will pass 0n my rec0mmendati0n t0 the rest 0f the team.

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Gliese 581 g


by n0w I’m sure m0st 0f y0u have heard 0f the disc0very 0f the planet Gliese 581 g. This is a planet that has the “p0tential” f0r sustaining water in a liquid state. Which basically means, it c0uld supp0rt life. But there are many unkn0wns still ab0ut Gliese 581 g

It is t00 early t0 tell, 0r assume, that life c0uld exist there. There are still many unkn0wn critical fact0rs that are yet t0 be determined. But it d0es appear t0 be fav0urable, and it is t0 date the best extra s0lar planetary candidate f0r supp0rting life.

Gliese 581 is a M3V class star. A red dwarf. it is l0cated 20.3-20.5 light years away fr0m us. The planet is estimated t0 be between 3 to 4 Earth “masses”. What this means is, the planet d0esn’t necessarily have t0 be 3-4 times m0re in diameter 0f the Earths. It may very well be 0nly twice the diameter 0f the Earth, which is still pretty big anyways.

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Mission to Jupiter Completed


I spent the last week 0n an intensive missi0n t0 Jupiter in Orbiter. The wh0le trip t00k m0re then 8 years (I think?) 0f simulated time. This venture made my previ0us Mars missi0n seem relatively easy.

The missi0n was a trip t0 the Jovian System. Touring Jupiter’s 4 maj0r m00ns. The m0thership, the Arrow Freighter, was based 0n Io, Jupiter’s innerm0st m00n, and yes bef0re y0u say it, I am aware there’s s0 many milli0ns 0f amps 0r whatever fl0wing between Jupiter & Io, and that 2001 techn0l0gy c0uld never have survived blah blah blah… The Delta Glider IV visited Europa and c0nducted surface 0perati0ns, and later 0n, visited Jupiter’s tw0 0ther maj0r m00ns in 0rder, Ganymede & Callisto, and dr0pped science pr0bes 0nt0 the surface 0f each.

Arrow Freighter in Low Earth Orbit with DGIV docked in bay

Arrow Freighter leaving Earth Orbit, on the way to Jupiter

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Orbiter 2010


Th0ught I w0uld give y0u all the l0w d0wn and the links f0r Orbiter 2010.
This pr0ject has been in devel0pment f0r 10 years, and in the last year 0r tw0 has made many leaps and b0unds. Alth0ugh the m0dding c0mmunity has d0ne al0t 0f hard w0rk, the creat0r 0f Orbiter, Dr Martin Schweiger, has this year helped p00l much 0f the c0llective eff0rts 0f the m0dding c0mmunity, int0 the 2010 0fficial release.

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And Its Lab0ur, By A Hair..


We have just elected 0ur first female Prime Minster. t0 say again, all hell is breaking l00se, the str0gg have just landed, and Tony Abbott is wearing board shorts.

Congratulati0ns t0 Julia Gillard and the lab0ur party. Here’s t0 an interesting 3 years watching parliament 0n telly, and an0ther g00d excuse t0 get drunk.

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