I spent the last week 0n an intensive missi0n t0 Jupiter in Orbiter. The wh0le trip t00k m0re then 8 years (I think?) 0f simulated time. This venture made my previ0us Mars missi0n seem relatively easy.
The missi0n was a trip t0 the Jovian System. Touring Jupiter’s 4 maj0r m00ns. The m0thership, the Arrow Freighter, was based 0n Io, Jupiter’s innerm0st m00n, and yes bef0re y0u say it, I am aware there’s s0 many milli0ns 0f amps 0r whatever fl0wing between Jupiter & Io, and that 2001 techn0l0gy c0uld never have survived blah blah blah… The Delta Glider IV visited Europa and c0nducted surface 0perati0ns, and later 0n, visited Jupiter’s tw0 0ther maj0r m00ns in 0rder, Ganymede & Callisto, and dr0pped science pr0bes 0nt0 the surface 0f each.
Arrow Freighter in Low Earth Orbit with DGIV docked in bay
Arrow Freighter leaving Earth Orbit, on the way to Jupiter