c0ns0le gaming..

Hashy's picture

Having never grown up with a console myself ( a real modern upto date console i do mean..), the opportunity thrust upon me, if you will, to get the hang of one finally now has been interesting, but has mostly only confirmed much of what I already would have assumed about them.

Growing up with the PC ( Thank goodness for it too!), I had become accustomed to the concept of “modding”. Blessed is he, who strikes down on those with great vengeance, and furious furry shiny things out of place in a shooting game.
Always frusterated with the inconsistent frame rates with PC, not always having a state of the art graphics card, would just make you look in awe at the console and their seemingly “flawless” graphics, both in quality and smoothness.
Some games I would love to be playing on the console with those high resolution and smooth game play experiences that are so promised with the console market, things like Oblivion or Fallout3, games I might already have for the PC, but the console would just do justice.. Only problem is, I cannot enjoy the customization and freedom of choice that I have with the PC. If I somehow hacked the console and got a bunch of mods running on them anyway, that would make even the mighty console gaming system chug to its mighty knees.
I said years ago and it has come to fruition. To keep making gaming consoles better, they will make them more like a PC, and so it is, in the respect of all the kinds of entertainment options now available. Still cant type up your daily spreadsheet on the thing ( not counting installing a variant of linux and running open office ofcourse..), but as they are now, mightly friendly to use with a keyboard for just about everything bar the games.

True that such a tailored system with less options to confuse and stump the masses of unmodded gamers and technology users out there, I do conclude that if the console were my only option, I would then take off to some far away unknown tropical hippie retreat and carve rantings off about EA games into the stone in binary code.

PS3 Slim, only $494 from JB Hi Fi.


Build a HTPC for more, wack in a Blu Ray player, and be able to actually organize your fucking music collection.


well thought out, good prosé

I liked the HTPC rant haha :)


the only consoles i have ever had are playstations. i started of with a PS1 then gladly upgraded to PS2. now that PS2’s are getting outdated im thinking of getting a PS3. if any1 has a x360 and a ps3 can u tell me what is betr. the only reason i am thinking of getting a 360 is halo3 :)


360’s are much better for anything because… i said so oh and the ps3 is not that great in the game department. also because i said so

Sha8doW's picture

Hold the phone...

Hold the phone… Cause Bob2… cause bob2


I could be a w-rap arteeest!

I had a PS1 and a PS2 (both system were far superior to others, and out sold the others… Take it from me, I sold them) – That being said they were not perfect. And the decision to remove backwards compatability was out and out stupid!

yet to get a new gen console… if i was, it’d be a PS3. But I’ll stick to my PC thankyou very much

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