Comparing two revisions:

Revisions for Padman - This Time Its Paracetamolo

Thu, 04/09/2008 - 14:24 by FuzzThu, 04/09/2008 - 15:32 by n0mad
Changes to Body
When: This Friday 8pm by default, absolutely totally negotiable.
When: This Friday 8pm by default, absolutely totally negotiable.
What You Will Need: Wop Client, map packs? I dunno, n0mad will tell us =p
What You Will Need: Wop Client, map packs? I dunno, n0mad will tell us =p
*Team IPX Photoshoot v2 will be taking place*
Alternative dates and times, ladder match conflicts,practice sessions, real life, nuclear war, ect.
Alternative dates and times, ladder match conflicts,practice sessions, real life, nuclear war, ect.
||_. Team IPX||_. Confirmed||_. Comment||
||_. Team IPX||_. Confirmed||_. Comment||
{background:#dddddd}. |n0mad|Yes|Padman Padman Padman|
{background:#dddddd}. |n0mad|Yes|Camera & Tripod|
{background:#FFFFFF}. |Hashy |Yes|Padman, Anteroom, Betty, Mayhem.|
{background:#FFFFFF}. |Hashy |Yes|Padman, Anteroom, Betty, Mayhem.|
{background:#dddddd}. |Chipper|-|-|
{background:#dddddd}. |Chipper|-|-|
Revision of Thu, 04/09/2008 - 15:32:
Hashy's picture

Padman - This Time Its Paracetamolo..

05/09/2008 20:00

Where: Games Arena Padman “Spray” Server.
When: This Friday 8pm by default, absolutely totally negotiable.
What You Will Need: Wop Client, map packs? I dunno, n0mad will tell us =p

Team IPX Photoshoot v2 will be taking place

Alternative dates and times, ladder match conflicts,practice sessions, real life, nuclear war, ect.

Padman Padman!!


Team IPX Confirmed Comment
n0mad Yes Camera & Tripod
Hashy Yes Padman, Anteroom, Betty, Mayhem.
Chipper - -
Fuzz No Probably still be at work. If not, I’ll be there
Haklin - -
Harassment Panda - -
CombatChuck - -
Kazozza - -
Ltmon - -
Bloodstorm - -
Robag Yes Padman +1
Sha8doW - -
Johnny Most Likely. -
Kazashi - -
ResidentEvil - -