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Revisions for IPX vs Di - First L4D game

Sun, 11/01/2009 - 07:45 by n0madSun, 01/08/2010 - 10:57 by Fuzz

Added pic

Added pic

Changes to Game
Left 4 Dead
Revision of Sun, 01/08/2010 - 10:57:
n0mad's picture

IPX vs Di - First L4D game

11/01/2009 23:30
Challenge Details
Left 4 Dead

Ok first 0ff this isn’t a real die hard match just a quick game with Di to have fun….

Seriously wanted a 12:00am start but in sec0und th0ught maybe a bit l8te…..

anyway H0pefully we can fill a team of 4 if n0t n0 w0rries……

n0 table t0 fill in just B in IRC around 11:00pm – Sunday 11/01/09

time f0r sum z0mbie mashing