Trek 2 - Yellow Rock to Warrimoo
This trek was hatched at Kazashi’s quarters, after returning from Trek 1. The team was sitting around the topographic map reviewing Trek 1 and looking at the region in general. A few places of interest were noted Nice Views cache and Fallen Giant cache and a trek was formed. Starting at Yellow Rock we would traverse the fire trails, camp at what would soon become known as Base Camp and head out the next day. With the help of Google Earth and a plan was formed.
The Trek
The team arrived at Kazashi’s quarters at 6am, October 21, 2006. Packs were arranged and loaded into the Sha8doW-mobile and we set off to Yellow Rock. Arriving at Yellow Rock at about 6:40AM we started the deep descent along the firetrails.
Chappo, Kazashi and Fuzz heading down the firetrails
The first stop was a clearing at the bottom of the first mountain. Supplies were had as we considered which way we would attack Dogzballs.
DogzBalls is a house in the middle of nowhere, accessible only via firetrails. We noticed it in google earth and made it a point of interest for this trek. It gets its name from its uncanny resemblance from the air to dogs balls…
Once at the DogzBalls we got all the info we needed. It was just a house in the middle of nowhere with somewhat suspicious motives.
That green drug growing enclosure would have to be investigated at a later date. From there we moved on to our first ever cache – Fallen Giant.
Fallen Giant
Fallen Giant was the first of two caches for the day. Based on the pictures from the plan Fuzz and Kazozza were pretty sure they had been to the the site of this cache on a previous walk. However the GPS had other ideas, revealing a large fallen tree off the track several hundred metres earlier than where we thought it would be.
Fallen Giant in the middle leaned up against the rock face (partly obscured by trees in front)
The Cache
The area around the tree was thoroughly searched but we knew we were kidding ourselves. It was going to be somewhere halfway up the tree. So up the rock face Sha8doW went to investigate. At about the same time the rest of us were avoiding the thought that the cache was in the burned out tree trunk and would require one of us to climb up the inside. Chappo volunteered and up he went. There were screams of giant mozzies the size of his head and spiders he could feel but not see… not long after, a triumphant cry came from within the tree. Sha8doW looked in to see that Chappo had located the cache. Sha8doW reached in to get it as it was within reach for him…
“Don’t touch it! I’m getting it!” yelled Chappo. And fair enough too. First cache ever for Team IPX – and wasn’t it a ripper?
Congrats Chappo – you earned that one:
Chappo negotiated his way back out of the trunk and inspected the cache. Took something, left something as per geocaching customs.
Kazozza at the top of the tree looking down on Kazashi, Fuzz, Chappo and Sha8doW inspecting the cache.
Once finished with the Fallen Giant the next challenge was getting to CrossRoads.
The first thing to note about CrossRoads is that to get to it there is a very steep incline. There is long way with a steep incline but stretched over fair distance… and there is the shortcut – straight up. There were concerns on how Sha8doW’s pack (the heaviest) could be transported up to CrossRoads. The team discussed several options and a plan was hatched…
Fuzz and Sha8doW about to attack the short way with a novel pack transportation method.
Ok, so we didn’t say it was a good plan. After a warning from some passing horse riders that their horses nearly died after going up the short way we dropped the current plan of taking the heaviest packs up on the big stick. The team split into two – Fuzz took Sha8doW’s pack along with Kazozza and Chappo up the long way. Kazashi and Sha8doW (now with Fuzz’s pack) attacked the short way.
Team short way arrived first albeit a little out of breath. Team long way arrived soon after, also out of breath! We had reached CrossRoads. Time to mark the IPX name and have a short break before heading on to BaseCamp.
Sha8doW and Kazashi taking a break at CrossRoads
Trip to Nice Views / BaseCamp
It was time to move onto Nice Views… Shame about the rust – also our camping spot for the night. Rain had been threatening all day and we were all keen to get to our destination. However we were all tired and unfortunately the trip from CrossRoads to BaseCamp happened to be another continuous incline! About halfway we noticed in the distance what appeared to be the perfect sitting rock. Sha8doW called it, took a seat, and sat happily for about 30 seconds until a few IPX expletives were yelled as he shot into the air.
“WTF – some f**k**‘s biting me on the A$$!”
Sure enough he had sat on an ants nest. And these were no ordinary ants…
As Sha8doW continued to yell out in pain, Fuzz scrambled for the IPX bite spray. In doing so he volunteered himself to spray it on. Spray was applied (thank god it wasn’t cream!)
It was time for revenge – out came the butane and it was applied to the ants nest. An accident was nearly had but no bushfires ensued and the Sha8dow resolved to finalise retribution next time… Soon after we arrived at BaseCamp.
Nice Views / BaseCamp
Finally – we have arrived. And wasn’t it worth it!
Shame about the rust! (Ok ok! I’ll stop!)
First job was to set up tent and the fire.
Good job! Next – time for some cache searching.
The Cache
Fuzz stayed out of the cache searching on this one as he knew from the trek planning exactly where the cache was. After some climbing up and down the cliff face Sha8doW found the cache.
Something was taken, and an IPX t-piece was left. Our second cache found. 2/2. Not a bad record!
Stomachs were rumbling and it was decided that it was time for an IPX BBQ. This is where we reveal why Sha8doW’s pack was so heavy. He was carrying a portable BBQ! And now its time for all that work to pay off. Sausage sandwiches all round.
The rest of the afternoon was spent telling old IPX tales over a well deserved beer.
Nightfall came and signals were exchanged with “others” across the valley in both Yellow Rock and a ute on one of the fire trails.
A late night stagg chilli was cooked and had by Chappo.
After a fairly poor nights sleep for the entire team, Fuzz was first to emerge and take in the morning surroundings.
Upon returning to get something warmer to put on it was noted that the tent smells a lot like Stagg chilli. Chappo apologised.
A cooked breakfast was had by most (spaghetti, instant pasta, leftover sausages etc) prior to packing up and starting the trek back.
After breakfast an IPX team photo was taken.
The team decided against stopping at either the concrete slab or the creek off the track on the way out putting that off to a later trek. This meant the team could exit at Rickard Rd, where Mrs Sha8dow came to pick up Sha8doW and Chappo. in one of the 2 IPX vans, Chappo returned soon after with the other IPX van to ferry everyone else back.
Everyone met for an impromptu LAN at Kazashi’s quarters and plans for Trek 3 began.