legion's blog

Cyber war I

As you say they have stopped SOPA, they have taken down megaupload.com. As this has been taken down by the government, a group called “Anonymous” have given no mercy. On the 19th of January, when megaupload was taken down. This group decided they wanted revenge and weren’t playing nice.

Evidence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2WqU-HvyUI&feature=player_embedded

Anon (Otherwise known as Anonymous) are a group hackers, who have retaliated with the downing of Megaupload, well, not so well. As a response to the governments act, they went on a ‘Revenge Spree’
they have taken down Government sites such as; justice.gov, USDOJ.GOV, copyright.gov, www.responsibleinvestment.org, mpaa.org.

After those they have decided to attack major music labels to such as; http://universalmusic.com/ and www.bmi.com/.

Alot of of infected sites are either completely shut down, or just really really slow.

been challanged on Cyber Gamer for bc2

Challenged by Aussie Soldiers waiting on us to accept.

They lost there last game 1-4 against Death Inc so should be an easy win.


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