Hall of Fame:

Statistics for Team IPX as of Sat, 27/07/2024 - 16:56

Site Statistics

  • This site's first publication was Sun, 16/04/2006 - 09:00.
  • We have been online for 18 years 15 weeks 2 days.
  • Active registered user accounts: 115
  • User accounts never activated: 0
  • Disabled user accounts: 83
  • Promoted Articles published in the last week: 0
  • Promoted Articles published in the last month: 0
  • Promoted Articles published in the last year: 0
  • Promoted Articles published since this site was founded: 2436
  • Total articles published in the last week: 0
  • Total articles published in the last month: 0
  • Total articles published in the last year: 0
  • Total articles published since this site was founded: 3136
  • Items in editorial queue, awaiting approval: 0

Totals for articles do not include images

Content Published by Type

For the past week

Content TypeTotal PublishedTotal Reads

For the past month

Content TypeTotal PublishedTotal Reads

For the past year

Content TypeTotal PublishedTotal Reads
Blog entry12367

For All Time

Content TypeTotal PublishedTotal Reads
Blog entry17763319562
Forum topic132636177


Most Active Contributors

For the past week
For the past month
For the past year
For All Time
Fuzz512 items
Robag421 items
n0mad307 items
Sha8doW261 items
Mattatuide246 items
Hashy183 items
ltmon103 items
Bloodstorm87 items
Microman80 items
silentshadow78 items

Most Popular Content

For the past week
For the past month
For the past year
For All Time
Dirt2 Colin McRae - Corrupt Autosave file savegame fix238053 reads
L4D Maps & Campaigns =DLC=124964 reads
 120166 reads
Team IPX vs inVision Gaming s01g23114334 reads
Svalbard Register82518 reads
NBA League Pass - FREE TRIAL74828 reads
Team- IPX ETQW Server install guide63748 reads
Where the hell is Svalbard?60990 reads
E3 2013 s0 Much crap but 0w s0 much g0ld 2 B f0und56740 reads
Contact Team IPX50732 reads

Most Active Commentors

For the past week
For the past month
For the past year
For All Time
Fuzz3430 items
Sha8doW2505 items
n0mad1638 items
Robag1628 items
Mattatuide858 items
Microman825 items
Hashy798 items
chipper600 items
Bloodstorm530 items
ltmon445 items