FoF Server

The FoF Server is currently install on
you will need a ssh account and a copy of putty to connect.
you will also need to have sudo access to lunch the server

once you have connect to the VPS

cd to this root directory


the Fof server is in the fof directory
to start the Fof server

you must be in the /usr/local/games/steam/fof

sudo screen -d -m -S fof ./srcds_run -console -game fof +sv_pure 1 +port 27015 +map fof_revenge +ip +maxplayers 20 +exec server.cfg

this will lunch the server in its own console and then detach from it.
it takes about 2 mins for the server to start up.

to attach to the console where the server is running
run this command from the prompt$ sudo screen -r

when you are attached to the console of the running server press “ctrl” then “c” to shutdown the server

the Fof server will appear in the in game browser list


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