God damn daylight savings time

Fuzz's picture

With daylight savings time finishing in NSW this weekend, this is as good of a time as any to mention that you can set your time zone by clicking the “My Account” link on the left sidebar, clicking “Edit” and choosing the timezone that’s relevent to you. It defaults to +10h which is right most of the time in NSW, but for everyone in another timezone, or even for daylight savings time you need to change it there.

Blood, n0mad, Dementia and Pinge are the only people I know for sure are out of this timezone and have probably been putting up with Sydney’s time zone for too long now.

It’s also a good time to say if we’re going to specify times for things like challenges, always specify the timezone afterwards, eg. Tuesday 8:30PM EST. Blood’s getting good at interpreting the times, but being specific makes it easier :)

Have a nice day.


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