Johnny5's blog


Check out this youtube clip, makes me excited for bc2 vietname. Must be footage from “full metal jacket”, if anyone has seen the movie. Love the music.

Vietnam server

If a few guys are playing, why not start off my server. Once a few start, it will fill up.

I will rename it to team IPX server, if you guys want, and actually play it.

…(SYD….., it is hosted at same place as sydney 24/7 server.


good song

Black Ops

Just COD.

Same as COD4. Same sound and graphics.

eg.“Enemy care package”, spam, spam, die, rage quit.

EDIT: It is totally buggy, broken actually. Lols, do not buy this yet.



Anyone playing it. Downloaded it yesterday.

Just testing this blog thingo as well. Hi guys.

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