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Sunday October 14, 2007
Start: 14/10/2007 09:00

Team IPX V Team Other
Score ?(IPX)-?(OTHR)
Date: 14/10/2007
Tenders: Kazashi (IPX) – ? (OTHR)
3 Stars: TBA

Team IPX

Skater stats

Player No# Goals Assists Points Shots Shot % Hits PIM Injuries (minutes missed)
AxeMan 35 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Fuzz 6 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Kazozza 3 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Sha8doW 8 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Sir Draco 19 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Hashi 57 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Goal Tender Stats

Player No# Goals Against Shots Against Saves Save %
Kazashi 13 ? ? ? ?

Play by Play

Sunday October 28, 2007
Start: 28/10/2007 20:30
End: 28/10/2007 22:30

Please make sure you have Vent set up and working beforehand.

Please comment below as RSVP / Confirmation of attendance.


Team IPX Confirmed Nesreca Confirmed
Sha8doW Yes Mayham -
Fuzz Yes disrupt -
Kazashi No egge -
Kazozza Sadly, no =( mf -
Axe Man - neg -
Sir Draco - ron1n -
Manschaft - vippin -
Hashy Yes zephyr -
n0mad Yes Nexus -
ltmon Yes
chipper Yes
Deviance Yes
Bloodstorm Yes
Haklin -
XViper -
Firestorm -
ResidentEvil Yes
Wednesday October 31, 2007
Start: 31/10/2007 20:45
End: 31/10/2007 21:45

Required: All IPX Gaming Roster

Please comment below as RSVP / Confirmation of attendance.

Team IPX Attended
Sha8doW Attended
Fuzz Attended
Kazashi -
Kazozza -
HarrasmentPanda -
Hashy -
n0mad Attended (With Camera & Tripod)
ltmon Attended (What do you think?)
chipper Attended
Deviance -
Bloodstorm -
Haklin -
XViper -
Firestorm -
ResidentEvil -
Askari_ -
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