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Sunday April 20, 2008
Start: 20/04/2008 19:30
End: 20/04/2008 21:00


Name Confirmed Comment
Fuzz Yes GTA 4 multiplayer will be the next big thing
Robag Yes blah blah blah:)
HarassmentPanda Yes -
Luckless © Yes I hear that womens periods attract bears
n0mad Yes Always Ready
Bloodstorm Yes -


Team IPX Confirmed Comment
Ltmon No Looking less and less likely for this one due to family, soz guys
Haklin Possibility weekends are always dodgy for time availability for me
CombatChuck Possibility agreed, weekends can be busy

Monday April 21, 2008
Start: 21/04/2008 19:00
End: 21/04/2008 21:00

The Official IPX Strategy Gamebook is quite bare where Refinery is concerned, so some contributions well before this match would be appreciated. Also talk about it in IRC, if we can have more strategy decided before the match and less chatter during the match to work it out we’ll do better and everyone will understand from the get go (a problem with complex instructions via VOIP).

MORE UPDATES: I’ve added some strategies for GDF on refinery to Haklin’s guide. Please contact Hak for access to the document as described in his blog and check it out :)


Team IPX Confirmed Prefered time(s) Prefered map Comment
ltmon Yes Monday 8pm or Tuesday 9pm refinery MaDness! Can we play on Tuesday and practice on Monday?
Fuzz Yes Sun, 7pm or Mon 8pm Refinery Unavailable Tues 9pm
n0mad Yes Anytime Refinery n0 really I’m MaD

Sunday April 27, 2008
Start: 27/04/2008 19:30
End: 27/04/2008 21:00

tW have accepted with details above. This is the last regulation ladder match for IPX.

Please mark your availability below.


Team IPX Sunday 27th 7PM Comment
n0mad Yes Looking Forward to this 0ne
HarassmentPanda Yes -
Bloodstorm © Yes Thats pretty early but should be ok.(happy to capt if you want me to)
Hashy Yess Dont you get it..Stroyent is people!
Robag Yes happy to sub will hop into irc as required
CombatChuck Yes -
Fuzz Yes -
Luckless Yes I am around if needed


Team IPX Sunday 27th 7PM Comment
Ltmon No We should get them into an 8v8 scrim or something… bit more fun than the 6v6 ladder format
Kazozza No Tuesday only for me
Haklin No Doh!

Wednesday April 30, 2008
Start: 30/04/2008 20:00
End: 30/04/2008 22:00


Team IPX Wednesday 30th 8PM Comment
Bloodstorm Yes Happy to Capt again if you guys want
Fuzz Yes -
Hashy Yes Death to the opposition!
Ltmon Yes (insert fun-arse comment here)
Luckless Yes Its time to get down with a clown
n0mad Yes Death to them
HarassmentPanda - -
Kazozza - -


Team IPX Wednesday 30th 8PM Comment
CombatChuck No Joined after finals roster lock
Robag No Joined after finals roster lock
Haklin No dskajdlka
Thursday May 01, 2008
Start: 01/05/2008 00:36

We are due for a trek! We’ve got a few options to choose from, but please feel free to add more if you can think of them!

Tuesday May 13, 2008
Start: 13/05/2008 20:00
End: 13/05/2008 22:00


Team IPX Tuesday 13th May 8PM Comment
1. Bloodstorm Yes Happy to capt if wanted too
2. Fuzz Yes -
3. Hashy Yes Good Luck
4. Ltmon Yes -
5. n0mad Yes Finals Ay Need to step up a gear
Haklin Maybe PM sent to Fuzz

Bludgers too lazy to respond and on the verge of suspension

Team IPX Tuesday 13th May 8PM Comment
HarassmentPanda - -


Team IPX Tuesday 13th May 8PM Comment
CombatChuck No Joined after finals roster lock
Robag No Joined after finals roster lock
Luckless no Uni work
Kazozza No Computer troubles – notified by sms
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