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Thursday June 12, 2008
Start: 12/06/2008 20:30
End: 12/06/2008 22:30

I didn’t respond. Absolutely my fault, sorry guys. I was out for the afternoon and didn’t get back in time, and forgot to leave instructions for anyone else to do it on my behalf.
Really sorry for the stuff-up.

Looks like the Wednesday time is the most popular. The team will most likely be: n0mad, Fuzz, Robag, Johnny, Chipper, HarrassmentPanda with me a distant maybe.
Sewer is the most wanted map, so start thinking about some strategies. Any volunteers for captain?

Practice will be the normal Tuesday session, but we’ll work on sewer especially.
I’ll accept the challenge tomorrow with these details unless there are major changes.

Sunday June 22, 2008
Start: 22/06/2008 18:30
End: 22/06/2008 20:30
Wednesday June 25, 2008
Start: 25/06/2008 22:00
End: 25/06/2008 22:00

Challenge declined due to player availability and lack of responses.

Thursday July 10, 2008
Start: 10/07/2008 20:00
End: 10/07/2008 22:00


Team IPX Availability Thursday, 10 July, 8:00PM Comment
HarassmentPanda Yes
Chipper Yes -
Fuzz No Sorry stuck working tonight, good luck
Ltmon Yes We’re gonna get 20 mins practice on the first objectice ;)
Robag Yes let’s go crack some Skullz “I know it’s lame” :)
Johnny Yes Skullz!! Time for a challenge.
n0mad n0 Unfortunately I cannot get out of Dinner, Tried :(
CombatChuck Yes again I wish work would stop screwing me around like this!
Bloodstorm Yes Well this should be easy
Hashy Yes Yawn

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