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Friday July 18, 2008
Start: 18/07/2008 20:00

Be there and be prepared to die…. lots! ;)


n0mad is that all the map packs & patches we will need..? – Edit: All g00d Hashy……

I would prefer to get our own server setup for this instead of taking up the spray server,

If this is a bad time &/or day then we will select another… But sooner or later,

n0mad is gonna pad power you…. =\

Team IPX Confirmed Comment
n0mad Yes Padman Padman Padman
Hashy Yes Padman, Anteroom, Betty, Mayhem.
Chipper possibly late sounds great! if i’m around i’m in
Fuzz Late Won’t be able to make it for the start. Will be there from 9:30 if you’re still playing
Haklin!:( I’m at a 30th that night…bloody 1hr out from home:S
Tuesday July 22, 2008
Start: 22/07/2008 21:00
End: 22/07/2008 23:30

Demos: simple private sharing

Friday July 25, 2008
Start: 25/07/2008 00:53
End: 25/07/2008 23:53

Status: Pups did not respond to the challenge. Match cancelled, and we take their place on the ladder.

Sunday August 10, 2008
Start: 10/08/2008 21:00
End: 10/08/2008 23:30
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