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Sunday January 11, 2009
Start: 11/01/2009 23:30

Ok first 0ff this isn’t a real die hard match just a quick game with Di to have fun….

Seriously wanted a 12:00am start but in sec0und th0ught maybe a bit l8te…..

anyway H0pefully we can fill a team of 4 if n0t n0 w0rries……

n0 table t0 fill in just B in IRC at event time.

time f0r sum z0mbie mashing

Sunday January 18, 2009
Start: 18/01/2009 20:00
End: 18/01/2009 22:00

On the Padman forums there’s been talk of an Australian/New Zealand Padday, where every Pad player from the region can get together on the GA servers for some tiny blue frags and German metal music.

No need to put your name down for this one, but I trust some keen IPX players will put in a showing. I’m out during the afternoon myself, but will try get there sometime in the evening.

Tuesday January 20, 2009
Start: 20/01/2009 20:00
End: 20/01/2009 23:00

Game Day Starting Lines

Team IPX Position Captain Comment
Bloodstorm Starter -
n0mad Starter -
Fuzz Starter If you can make it
HarassmentPanda Starter -
Shad Starter -
Robag Starter -
Ltmon Sub 1st sub
Chipper Sub 2nd sub
Name Sub -


Put down your availability below:

Team IPX Availability Comment
Shad Y we need a captain, and suggest training on Sunday & Monday
Ltmon Y Not available for Monday time
Fuzz N Avail Tues (f*** I hate tables where you can put whatever you want in)
n0mad Y Avail all Dates, Would like Comlink (Drop Down Boxes are overrated)

Monday January 26, 2009
Start: 26/01/2009 19:30
End: 26/01/2009 22:00


Put down your availability below:

Team IPX Availability Monday Comment
1. HarassmentPanda Yes -
2. Bloodstorm Yes -
3. n0mad Yes r0cket is ready – Must have prewarmup Strats
4. Shad Yes at present, avail all days. Monday is hardest cause of bedtime ;)
5. Robag Yes happy to sub out for the Hashy :)
6. Kraizen Yes Should be able to make it. Depends if I pass out after work ;)
Fuzz No -
Ltmon No Sorry, not a chance to get to this one, GLHF
chipper no - - -
Hashy Yes Sub if necessary, goodluck team! =)

Update: We currently have 6. Decide amonst yourself who will captain / what day you wish to prac. GL


Wednesday February 04, 2009
Start: 04/02/2009 21:00
End: 04/02/2009 23:00


Put down your availability below:

Team IPX Availability pick a day Comment
chipper all look bad :( -
Shad Wednesday(so we can prac tues) Go Kraizen
n0mad Sunday-Ok/Mon-Sub/Wed-Sub g0 g0 gadget Kraizen
Ltmon All OK, prefer Mon or Wed Like your style of command chip, we need more of it ;)
Kraizen Available As available as a $20 whore. Did I say that?
Robag No need a sub machine meltdown again
HP Monday or Wed preferable -
Fuzz N/A all 3 days -
Johnny March No obj whore for IPX. =[
Willow_x ? ?
DJBBQ Available -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

Friday February 06, 2009
Start: 06/02/2009 23:00

It’s been ages. I bought skates since last time and I haven’t used them; so if for no other reason than an opportunity for me to get in to my skates and use them once – it’s time for a game.

I’ve randomly picked a weekend that seems far enough away but I’m open to suggestions on dates/times and availability. Happy to do the ring round to find a challenging team as well but will need some contact details for people to follow up.

The after event with BBQ and Alcohol shall be @ my place, probably because its the closest to the new skatell but at least because I can’t offer some one elses house without asking. Also I owe beer from an annon. post a long time ago. But other forms of alcohol and soft drinks will be provided.

Family event these days, so wife and children invited. (Should keep each other busy – cross fingers)

Any questions / comments / stuff – post in here.

Saturday February 07, 2009
Start: 06/02/2009 23:00
End: 07/02/2009 23:00

It’s been ages. I bought skates since last time and I haven’t used them; so if for no other reason than an opportunity for me to get in to my skates and use them once – it’s time for a game.

I’ve randomly picked a weekend that seems far enough away but I’m open to suggestions on dates/times and availability. Happy to do the ring round to find a challenging team as well but will need some contact details for people to follow up.

The after event with BBQ and Alcohol shall be @ my place, probably because its the closest to the new skatell but at least because I can’t offer some one elses house without asking. Also I owe beer from an annon. post a long time ago. But other forms of alcohol and soft drinks will be provided.

Family event these days, so wife and children invited. (Should keep each other busy – cross fingers)

Any questions / comments / stuff – post in here.

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