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Friday June 05, 2009
Start: 05/06/2009 21:30


Team IPX Map Chosen Availability (Yes/No) Friday 09:30pm Comment
Kraizen Sewer Yes Yes Never quite understood how puns work
SamuraiShad Sewer Yes Yes Pending my PC fix, i should be good to go!
Ltmon Sewer Yes Yes Should actually be OK for these ones, barring any surprises
Rayne Sewer Yes Yes Cheddar
n0mad Sewer Yes Yes n0 Cheeze 0n my Cheeze burger
Microman Sewer Yes Yes cheezy comments here
mattatuide Sewer yes Yes Cheese cheese, cheese lol . Cheese
Robag Sewer Yes Yes TEAMIPX applies 24volts to Hz Nipples lol
Somtin Sewer Nup Nup Even friday night 11:30 is getting a bit late, sorry guys. :(
Weeping Willow Stinky sewers Oui Oui Super sub/ pompoms
Sunday June 14, 2009
Start: 14/06/2009 21:30
End: 14/06/2009 23:30

Well here we go
duck season no rabbit season no duck season

Team IPX Map Preference Availability (Yes/No) Sunday 09:30pm Comment
Robag Sewer Yes Yes Time to shake some tail feathers :)
Shad Sewer y&n Yes More then likely will be away Thursday & Sunday = Inlaws
chipper Sewer Yes yes bit flaky atm but if i’m here i’m in
n0mad Sewer yes ?? Can U put cheese on cheese
mattatuide Sewer Yes Yes two pieces of cheese walk into a bar………
Willow Sewers Yes Yes super sub/pompoms
Rayne Sewer yes yes burger with the lot + cheese

we still need a super sub

Fuzz, djBBQ, Nestern shout out from Robag :)

Sunday June 21, 2009
Start: 21/06/2009 21:30
End: 21/06/2009 23:30

RCON password: ktqqmh
Someone will need to Rcon into the server and set it to stopwatch and change the map

Table Below

Team IPX Map Preference Availability (Yes/No) Sunday 9:30pm Comment
Kraizen Salvage Yes Yes “I want touch to somebody… someone like you…! ;)”
n0mad Salvage Yes Yes Lets Get this ADA
Robag Salvage Yes Yes on Laptop 22fps w00t
Rayne Salvage Maybe Yes Flight leaves 500pm so should be there with enough time
MATTATUIDE Salvage Yes Yes LETS DO IT!!!!!!!!!!11111111
Willow Salvage Yes Yes 99% certain i can make friday!! sunday its 50%

Somtin Salvage No No 11:30 is too late for me :-/
Chipper Salvage n n cant make this one
MM171 Salvage No No School Production
Saturday June 27, 2009
Start: 27/06/2009 19:30
End: 27/06/2009 22:30

Join Password: bxvwnf

OMG no rest for team IPX some one at MaD has gone MaD, the little hamspter at the GA Challange wheel must be tied :)
please remember to keep all Comms in this challenge page

Table Below

Team IPX Map Preference Availability (Yes/No) Sat 7:30pm Comment
Robag Island Y Y Let’s take MaD to the IPX Madhouse b0000mmm baby :)
n0mad Island Yes Yes Lets r0ck
Microman171 Island Yes Yes Friday and Saturday FTW!
mattatuide island Y Y Dam we pon no pew maD
Kraizen Any Y Y Damn nicotine withdrawals
Somtin Any Y Y Sat 9:30 is perfect for me. Friday would work, but then I’d be playing over midnight..
Rayne Island Yes Yes The mAdness is directed at IPX this week
Willow n/a Nein Nein sob
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