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Sunday November 08, 2009
Start: 08/11/2009 18:30
End: 08/11/2009 20:30


Roster below is taken from the ETQW Overall GA Ladder gaming roster –
Everyone with a YES next to their name is part of the GA ladder team and must always reply to all challenges. It is of course acceptable
to not attend all games, but you must respond with a yes / no.

Monday November 09, 2009
Start: 09/11/2009 23:59

Well it’s finally happened
Team IPX Gear

Thats right you can now show your IPX colours out and about…..

The Mega Pack is just the start of a great lineup of IPX Gear to be released and to celebrate
we are giving away “FREEIPX stickers with all Mega Pack Orders.
That’s right free stickers to Stick anywhere you like “Insert IPX Takes no responsibility for placement of stickers here”

So get on over to the new IPX Gear Page and get ya order in…………..
Mega Pack Orders Close Monday 09/11/09

Start: 09/11/2009 23:59

We are now opening up Orders for IPX Jumpers & IPX Polo’s
Place your order quickly as all Orders Close Monday 09/11/09

Show your colours in the Real World and be Proud of being an IPXer…..

Team IPX Gear

Thursday December 03, 2009
Start: 03/12/2009 21:30
End: 03/12/2009 23:30

Booking description: IPXADA
PRAC SCRIM for tommorrow

Team IPX Map thursday – 8 pm 1986 Ninja Turtles Comment
DJBBQ Sewer - - -
Blood Sewer - -
Kippa Sewer yes yes i love the ninja turtles power rangers are betta though
Kraizen Sewer - -
Mattatuide Sewer YES yeahhhhhhhh……now i just hope they turn up o.0
Ltmon Sewer - -
Microman Sewer Yes Aiz luvn teh holidaez1
n0mad Sewer Yes Pizza Time
Nestern Sewer - -
Rayne Sewer Yes Yaaaaay real connection I love being home already lol is that 8pm sth time? is that qlds 7pm?
Robag Sewer Yes I love being a turtle
Silentshadow Sewer yes Have u guys/girls tried turtle it taste wierd
Sha8doW Sewer - -
Somtin Sewer - -
Sewer - -
Friday December 04, 2009
Start: 04/12/2009 21:00
End: 04/12/2009 23:00

The following server settings were selected:
Join Password: zjxzug
In the Words of Matt:
Jumping Rabit
Zoo Animal
Uterus Toys

This will be the last game before the ladder locks for Christmas

All Comm kept in this Page

Team IPX Map friday – 9 pm 1987 Ninja Turtles Comment
DJBBQ Sewer - - -
Blood Sewer - -
Kippa Sewer Yes -
Kraizen Sewer No -
Mattatuide Sewer Yes -
Ltmon Sewer Yes -
Microman Sewer No Other plans sorry.
n0mad Sewer Yes -
Nestern Sewer - -
Rayne Sewer - -
Robag Sewer Yes -
Silentshadow Sewer yes most defentily maybe yes
Sha8doW NSewer No FFS
Somtin Sewer No -
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