Well after a lul in IPX Tornements it’s time for the WETTITS Comp
Wolf Enemy Territory Team Ipx Tournement
A best of 3 games will be played with both teams playing Objective Mode as teams..
The winning team of the 3 games will then face off with a game of Last Man Standing…
May will be Tuesday’s W:ET Prac days and the games will be played on
Friday 14/05/2010 at 8:00pm
Thanx to all wh0 sh0wed up f0r R0und 1
And the winning Team f0r R0und 1 = Tie
What a Tie U say well
the teams were shuffled abit
GA Servers Failed
So get setup and jump in Prac next Tuesday for Pr0blem s0lving
as it looks like ET has a few pr0blems :(
Anyway thanX to all th0se wh0 sh0wed up and Cya’s in Round 2
Friday 21/05/2010 at 8:00pm
Thanx to all who showed up for Round 2
And the winning Team f0r R0und 1 = Hot Jugs
Score HJ – 3 CN – 2
And the final will be played on