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« Week of September 19, 2010 »
Start: 19/09/2010 19:00
End: 19/09/2010 21:00
Team IPX Availability (Yes/No) Sunday 19/09/2010 – 19:00 Comment Team
Blood Y Y Yea why not -
Deadite y y - -
Limpet y y rage -
Mattatuide y y hi -
Microman Y Y 9pm isn’t late… -
Spudinator No No forgot Ive got domestic duties :<(# -
Start: 20/09/2010 19:30
End: 20/09/2010 21:30
Team IPX Availability (Yes/No) Monday 20/09/2010 – 21:30(NZ Time) Comment Team
Blood Y Y Yea why not -
Deadite n n sorry guys, i have some last minute uni work to do. Won’t be able to make it tonight :( -
Limpet y y lets -
Mattatuide Y Y round 4 being played after round 5 -
Microman Y Y Only if we need me -
Spudinator Yes Yes time for someone to get hurt -
Start: 22/09/2010 20:30
End: 22/09/2010 22:30
Team IPX Availability (Yes/No) 22/9/10 – Wednesday 8:30PM AEDT Comment Team
Blood Y Y Hav net but is a chance ill get back stage to metallica tonight so may not be there Playing
Deadite - - - -
Kippa - - - -
Limpet y y - Playing
Mattatuide y y - Playing
Microman n n Zzzz -
n0mad n n still AFK -
Robag n0 n0 It’s killing Time -
Milzy Yes Yes Yes Yes
Spudinator Y Y Will go sub Playing
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