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« Tuesday October 12, 2010 »

Welcome to the first DOPIT challenge.

DOPIT is a monthly Dirt 2 time trial challenge. (See DOPIT)

Each month will feature a different track / car combination, with the idea to have the best time by the end of the month.

October’s challenge is:
Track: Novigrad
Cars: Dallenbach

Update: Novigrad / Dallenbach will go for a fortnight since we’ve effectively been doing it already for a while. Second half of October will be announced soon.
As you can see, Milzy has a bit of a headstart on us so far.


Update the leaderboard if you beat someone’s time.

And watch out for the bloody tunnel:

Good luck!

Update: Winners

1. Milzy
2. Mattatuide
3. Fuzz
4. Spudinator
5. Sha8dow

Start: 12/10/2010 20:00
End: 12/10/2010 23:49
Team IPX Availability 12/10/10 8:00PM AEST Comment Team
Blood YUP YUP Playing
Deadite y - Playing
Kippa maybe maybe maybe ?
Mattatuide y i have a vagina….the gender change didnt work Playing
Microman Y Would prefer not to, as school is back. Playing
n0mad N Arm Twinging Still (ATS) -
Robag Yes should be good 2 go Playing
Sc0ut - - -
StepUp maybe depends if rash clears up or not by then…supposed to train that night -
Milzy Yes - -
Spudinator y i pull myself out of bed most days Playing
Limpet y em mature Playing
KillerSL y can’t wait :) Playing
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