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Sunday May 08, 2011
Start: 08/05/2011 19:30
End: 08/05/2011 22:00

Just thought I would put this up so we can have some games of Quake Wars the weekend before Brink comes out.
Sign up below, No prizes it’s just for fun.

Team IPX Sunday 8th of may Comment
Bloodstorm Maybe Will try to be there
Cheesy - -
Chipper - -
Crazy_As yes -
Deadite YES Ruling on hacks?
Fuzz No Out :( was looking forward to hog wars
Kerrien - -
Killer - -
Kippa yes ill have to reinstall it seeings though i just uninstalled it 3 days ago … fml
Limpet y yippy t yip
Loganator - -
Ltmon - -
Mattatuide Yes can’t wait
Microman Yes Should be almost as frustrating as Fail Company 2
Milzy - -
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