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Friday May 13, 2011
Start: 13/05/2011 10:00
End: 13/05/2011 11:00

With brink being released so soon (today for the US) I thought I would put this up for the AUS and NZ release time.
Who will be the frist to play?
Will the game be any good?
Will deadite ruin his screen with the amount of jizz he blows?

These questions will be answered in about 3 days.

Start: 13/05/2011 21:00
End: 13/05/2011 21:00

Well with0ut further ad0 it’s time f0r an0ther

World Of Padman IPX Tournament (WOPIT #2)

A best of 3 games will be played with both teams playing Capture the Lolly as teams..
The winning team of the 3 games will then face off with a game of Last Pad Standing…..

IPX Colours
Example of name Colour
/bind “8” name “NAME^7-^4I^7P^9X^7”

Game Overview –

Free Files (Windows) – both A & B files needed
STEP A – WOP Free Files (Windows)
WOP V1.5
File Size: 900MB

STEP B – WoP 1.5.1 hotfix (Windows/Linux)
File Size: 4.41MB
Note: Padman Default install Directory = C:\Program Files\Padworld Entertainment\World of Padman 1.5


Thursday May 19, 2011
Start: 19/05/2011 20:31
End: 19/05/2011 23:31
Team IPX Thursday Comment
Bl00d Yes Should be able too
Step-up Y ur mum
limpetnz y -
mattatuide First see how we go
Microman171 Not Likely Too Late at Night :-(
Deadite Prob not Don’t think I will be home
Shad third interested to see how this stacks up, I should be ok to play
Robag Yes I will pre-lube my ahole
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