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Thursday August 11, 2011
Start: 11/08/2011 20:00
End: 11/08/2011 22:00
Team IPX Thursday 8pm 11/08/11 Comment
Bl00d - -
Milzy - -
limpetnz y what is this p r a ct ic e you talk of
Mattatuide Yes We might have a prac scrim before the game aswell
Microman171 No No longer play BC2
Deadite y y
Shad - -
Robag No Sorry having dinner
Legion - -
Kippa - -
StepUp aye aye aye
spudin8tor No I thought I could but I can’t – work do to attend ;(#
Loganator No Sorry Guys Way to busy atm
Thursday August 18, 2011
Start: 18/08/2011 20:00
End: 18/08/2011 22:00
Team IPX Thursday 8:00 pm 18/08/11 Comment
Bl00d - -
spudin8tor N OOps I double booked myself – lucky we have back ups ;)#
limpetnz y y
Mattatuide y this match might be a bit harder
Microman171 - -
Deadite no seeing Planet of the Dudes sorry guys
Shad - -
Robag - -
Kippa - -
StepUp Y lets go capt deadite
Thursday August 25, 2011
Start: 25/08/2011 20:00
End: 25/08/2011 22:00
Team IPX Thursday 8:00 pm 18/08/11 Comment
Bl00d - -
spudin8tor - -
limpetnz y -
Mattatuide Y limpet is captain til we loose
Microman171 N Not keen on playing, plus it’s a school night…
Deadite - -
Shad - -
Robag N Looking after Robag Jr
Legion - -
Kippa - -
StepUp Y sure bra
Saturday August 27, 2011
Start: 27/08/2011 18:00

well this will be our first lol game for us. if all particpants could get back to me with a time they would like by thursday.

gl to all.

Thursday September 01, 2011
Start: 01/09/2011 19:00
End: 01/09/2011 21:00
Team IPX Map Preference Availability (Yes/No) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Comment
any map dont mind y y y y y Can I play the easy team :)
Tasmania y/n y/n y/n y y/n blue vein cheese
Yes i would like to play a map y y n y y should be an easy game
map Sub y n y y comment + cheese
map y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n comment + cheese
map y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n comment + cheese
Any y y/n y/n y y 7 is pretty early though
map N y/n y/n y/n y/n prob won’t be home till 7.30 : (
map y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n comment + cheese
map y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n comment + cheese

please see cybergamer post


Monday September 05, 2011
Start: 05/09/2011 19:29
End: 05/09/2011 21:29
Team IPX Monday 7:30 aest Comment
Bl00d - - -
Milzy - - -
limpetnz y we can do it -
Mattatuide Y We can make the finals -
Microman171 N Good Luck! -
Deadite - - -
Shad - - -
Robag N Dog bit my keyboard hand :( -
Legion Y Here if need be, need best team for this game -
Kippa - - -
StepUp Y stop, hammertime -
spudin8tor Y Available if reqd peeps !!! These guys are good I hear !! -
Tuesday September 06, 2011
Start: 06/09/2011 19:00

Ok guys, get ready for our 2nd fight (4th match). Cheesy, Silent and Kippa are up. I will step out of this match. Let me know if one of you cant make it, though I will probably be around then any way just in case. Good luck guys.

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