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Friday June 15, 2012
Start: 15/06/2012 20:00
End: 15/06/2012 20:30
Team IPX Available Comment Team Roster Attendance
Fishey101 Y - A Y
Binary - - A Y
Coolderaj Y Should be fine…. if not, I’ll say sometime in the week A Y
Immrbob Mabye ill do my best to make sure im on A N
Robag Away - A N
Friday June 22, 2012
Start: 22/06/2012 19:30
End: 22/06/2012 20:00
Team IPX Available Comment Team Roster Attendance
Fishey101 Y - A -
Binary - - A -
Immrbob Y i shall do what i can to be there A -
Coolderaj Y Yeah should be available, if I’m needed A -
Akenn23 - - - -
Robag - - - -
Saturday June 30, 2012
Start: 30/06/2012 19:30
End: 30/06/2012 20:00
Team IPX Available Comment Team Roster Attendance
Fishey101 Y - A -
Binary - - A -
Immrbob - - A -
Coolderaj - - A -
Darkestfire - - - -
Start: 30/06/2012 20:30
End: 30/06/2012 21:00
Team IPX Available Comment Team Roster Attendance
Fishey101 Y day changed so i can play now A -
Binary - - A -
Coolderaj - - A -
Immrbob - - A -
Robag Y - A -
Darkestfire - - - -
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