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Saturday June 29, 2013
Start: 29/06/2013 20:00

Awesomenauts! For those who don’t know what it is, see the game page.
It’s available on steam for $10 and if you’re fast (10 hours left at the time of posting this) you can get the humble bundle 8 and get Awesomenauts plus about 10 other games for around $7

Now this is a bit of experiment as I’m not sure how I’m going to do this, hence the large amount of time until the challenge date. The problem is that Awesomenauts is restricted to 3 vs 3 and so only 6 people can play at a time. So, if for example we have 12 people who want to play, this works out great. 4 teams of 3, swapping between each other going at it. If we have less, we’ll have to figure something out with bots filling the gaps. In any case, a show of hands of interest is required! If you can’t make it for some reason other then lack of interest, please mention that so I know that you’re interested, but just can’t make it.
Without further ado, the table;

Name Attending Yes/No Comment
Sunday June 30, 2013
Start: 30/06/2013 20:00

For all those L4D2 lovers come and play for an awesome night of shooting dem zambies! :3 Going to play a few versus maps, depending on interest (:

Name Attending Yes/No Comment
Sanga Yes Keen as a bean for this! Haven’t played L4D2 in a loooong time!
Somtin Yes Time for zombie killing fun time!
Fuzz Yes Very keen to survive the zombie horse. This should be good practice.
Robag opps omg i am in VIC
Dan Y Versus?
Shad Y Is this open to NON IPXers, but on mumble?
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Tuesday July 09, 2013
Start: 09/07/2013 20:00
End: 09/07/2013 20:00

I’m calling upon all of the knights of the knetwork of IPX to represent our esoteric order in our pubstack quest for the holy grail
We will hack and slash our way with honor in a rotation of team objective and end it off with a round or 2 of free for all (with fists)
If you’ve got a copy and can make it, it will be a heap of head lopping fun!

(if you don’t have the game, and wanna play, hit me up… I’ve got a spare copy)

Name Attending Yes/No Comment
Shad Yes For Ye IPX Order
Dan Maybe! Laser tag is at 5, so I’ll come back after.
Robag Yes Burn the villagers….
Sanga Maybe I’ll try and talk to mum about staying at her place, hopefully I can! Will update ASAP!
Dourger14 Yes No comment, slashy slash
chipper Y pillagin time!
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