Children's Books that didnt quiet make it:
1. You’re Different and That’s Bad
2. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, God, and Other Lies
3. Pop Goes the Hamster (and Other Great Microwave Games)
4. Strangers Have the Best Candy
5. Robert: Dad’s New Wife
6. Games that Mommy and Daddy Play when You Aren’t Around
7. Things Rich Kids Have, But You Never Will
8. Fun Four-letter Words to Know and Share
9. Controlling the Playground: Respect Through Fear
10. There’s A Man Inside Barney
11. Places Where Mummy and Daddy Hide Neat Things
12. How to Blackmail Older Siblings for Fun and Profit.
13. The Boy Who Ate All His Vegetables and Died
14. Bi-Curious George
15. Kathy Was So Bad Her Mum Stopped Loving Her
16. Some Kittens Can Fly
17. Tasty Things Found Under the Sink
18. Your Nightmares are Real
19. 1001 Lies Your Parents tell
20.nobody poops .You’re just weird.
21.Where to hit boy’s and relay hurt them.
22.adults lie to you .so just lie back.
23.Lies to tell your parents to make them cry.
24.TEENAGERS: Don’t show respect to anyone,Tips on how to be “Bad ASS”.
25.Teen pregnancy : A how to guide.
26.How to make boys like you.
27.Emotional blackmail a hoe to guide:-for parents
28.How to hide the loner kids body in 5 easy steps.
29: Sexting: How to improve your photos.
30: Schoolyard fights: How to get better Youtube exposure.
31. How to be tough on the internet.
32. A guide to making your E-peen bigger.
33. Top 10 website where you can talk to girls.
34. Conspiracy theory’s :THEY’RE ALL REAL.
35. Hacks for game (makes you awesome)
36. YES! You can trust that man with candy.
37. Your friends do think you are odd.
39. Green Eggs and Spam, I am a queer, Sam I am
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