WETTITS Comp Friday 14/05/2010

WETTITS Competition that it starts this Friday 14/05/2010 at 8:00pm

OK Cold Nipples vs Hot Jugs

It is On IPX’ers it is on like Donkey Kong

owwwwwwww and Friday night is Fight night :)

Teams have Been Pick

ask N0mad or R0bag

WETTITS Comp Starts Friday 14/05/2010

Reminder to the bel0w IPXers that have not signed up & those already signed up to the
WETITS Competition that it starts this Friday 14/05/2010 at 8:00pm



And to All IPXERS we have a FREE Chokito bar for each of you.
Please claim your prize at your local supermarket, a small freight charge of $1.45 may apply…..

IPX Poll Rules


It has been brought to our (Bod) attention that Polls are fun if we have rules
So from here on;
1) – Polls only run for 2 weeks ie Max of 2 a month
2) – Once a poll has passed 2 weeks anyone can create a new poll – See Poll Creation Date below Poll before creating a new one
3) – Anyone creating a new poll before the 2 week Poll Period loses 100 Svalbards and deletion of Poll
4) – BoD reserves the right to create, delete and modify any Polls it see’s fit………….

Polls are fun but multiple Polls are madness………..
You have been warned and educated :P


BFBC2 - BattleTracker - Update Stats

Team IPX BFBC2 Stats

Update yaself onto the IPX BFBC2 List

Step 1) – Login to http://battletracker.com
Step 2) – Click MY PROFILE
Step 4) – Find Bad Company 2 and Click Find Account ID

After all that Clicking ya ON THE LIST………..

Padman this Tuesday 13/04/2010

It’s Padman time.
Reminder to All IPX who can make it this Tuesday 13/04/2010 will be Padman Tuesday

All files and info can be found here

GA Spray sounds like the place to be next Tuesday

Cya’s in there…………..

New Honorary Member - LIMPET

This bulletin is to inform you that Team IPX BoD have inducted Limpet into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks.

Forthwith the above mentioned player(s) are affiliated with Team IPX and are free to use any of the IPX trademarks, Symbols, Sayings or the – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gaming under the guidelines of rule 17.
Please make the new Honorary Member feel welcome.

Read on after the break for Limpet’s Wookie Welcome!

Promotion to Member - Microman

This IPX bulletin is to inform the Team that Microman has been promoted to the status of “Member” by the BoD for services performed for Team IPX.
Microman has been with the team for 1 year & 3 weeks now and in that time has shown his maturity setting a good example for the team.

The almighty Chewbacca wanted this message passed on to Microman:
oaoowhrrrcraaohuanraaoahoowhc scahoarcooscrawh
rooohu scraorwo aoworasc ahakk akrcoohuwa.
rooohu rarcwo rawh wokrascakanwo aooo raanan aoacoocwo acoowhoorcrarcro scwoscrhworcc ohacoo ohahcac aooo acrahowo aoacwo aoahaoanwo ooww scwoscrhworc aooo rhwo rhwocaoooohwowa huakoowh aoacwosc. orwowoak huak aoacwo rroooowa ohoorcor.

Congratulations Microman. Keep up the good work.

Team IPX

Smokin Guns this Tuesday 02/03/2010

Smokin Guns Tuesday

If you feel like a few friendly games pop on to the IPX smoking guns server for an impromptu session.

If we get enough folks show up will try some 4v4 bank robbery otherwise it will be a free for all.

As n0mad says “s0 saddle Up, Put ya chaps 0n and start taking 10 paces”

For those that don’t have it installed details (thanks Lt) are:

1. Where’s the server?

It’s often not turning up in the in-game server browser right now. Your best bet is to drop a console (use the tilde key) and type:

/connect robag.dyndns.org

2. What version?

It’s safest to use the latest non-beta (1.0). If you do have the beta, it will probably work on the standard server (with better sound and gfx), but no promises. If you don’t have a copy, best bet is the Internode mirror: http://games.on.net/filelist.php?app=4870&menu=16

Padman this Tuesday 09/02/2010

It started with Smokin Guns then WET and now it’s Padman time.
Reminder to All IPX who can make it this Tuesday 09/02/2010 will be Padman Tuesday

All files and info can be found here

GA Spray sounds like the place to be next Tuesday

Cya’s in there…………..

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory this Tuesday 02/02/2010

Reminder to All IPX who can make it this Tuesday 02/02/2010 will be Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Tuesday
Or as we should all call it WET TUESDAY
All files and info can be found here

We aim to have the IPX WET server up and running shortly but a GA server has been booked as a backup.

s0 thanks again to Robag for hosting
Note: Please type “ThanX Robag” when connecting to the Server as U may get auto kicked :P

Cya’s in there…………..