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Revision of goes live! from Tue, 04/09/2007 - 23:01

After months of planning, late nights, lots of $ and a nasty Jamaican, Team IPX has finally moved from Wetpaint to its very own hosted website,

It was a team effort, but special mention must go to Fuzz for his diligence in getting a pack of lazy sobs into action.

The new site has lots more to offer ontop of the old site including:

  • Blogs, so you can hear and comment on all the rants that we offer.
  • Forums , so we can have great discussion.
  • RSS feeds to keep up with the latest content the easy way. Click below and subscribe to some of our feeds in your favorite newsreader / aggregator:
  • Earn Svalbards for contributing to the site
  • Constantly updating news from Svalbard.
  • Team IPX has its own IRC Channel on Gamesurge.
  • Traditional Hockey, Gaming, Treks and IPX related paraphernalia.
  • and, of course, the new site will continue with all the Svalbardian comedy that you have all grown to love!

The new site is running on Drupal, and over the coming weeks and months will be further refined, so if you have any ideas or comments let us know.


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  • Avast! This website be taken over by pirates on September 19th. Yarr!

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