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Revisions for IPX Practice Sat 10/11/2007

Wed, 07/11/2007 - 06:48 by FuzzWed, 07/11/2007 - 06:49 by Fuzz
No visible changes
Revision of Wed, 07/11/2007 - 06:49:
Fuzz's picture

IPX Practice Sat 11/11/2007

10/11/2007 14:00
10/11/2007 15:00

Who: Team IPX Practice
Date: Saturday 11th November 2007
Time: TBA (can’t book servers more than 3 days in advance – damn GA)
Where: TBA
Password: same password as Tuesday’s practice. If you weren’t there check in vent or IRC.

Please make sure you have Vent AND in game voip set up and working beforehand. (Linuxers obviously excused from in game VOIP).

No need to RSVP, turn up if you’re free. If you’re not, don’t worry.

I won’t necessarily be able to make it, but I thought I’d organise something for anyone who was able to make it.

First people to comment here can suggest a time that’s good for them – whether its in the day or night – doesn’t really matter.