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Revision of The Humble Indie Bundle #2 from Wed, 15/12/2010 - 15:18

Kazashi's picture

It’s on again! Another stack of games developed by independent groups, available on Windows, OSX and Linux, all DRM-free. As with last time, the worthwhile causes Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child’s Play Charity are set to receive a portion of the money, but which games will be featured in this bundle?

Braid: a platform/puzzle game that made it big on the Xbox Live Arcade.
Cortex Command: side-scroller where you play as a brain, with robots and clones and multiplayer!
Machinarium: point-and-click adventure game with puzzles and funky artwork.
Osmos: another puzzle game, a single-celled organism has to collect smaller motes to grow and fight the bigger ones.
Revenge of the Titans: RTS meets Tower Defence – stop an invading alien horde, research the best means of blowing stuff up.

Again it’s got the backing of a good cause, the games are very accessible, and you can pay as much or as little as you feel like.


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