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Revisions for Svalbard 2014

Tue, 06/01/2015 - 08:33 by FuzzTue, 06/01/2015 - 08:33 by Fuzz
Changes to Body
Hope everyone had a happy new year. For anyone interested, here's a video compilation of the recent IPX* trip to Svalbard (don't forget to hit the HD button, its worth it):
Hope everyone had a happy new year. For anyone interested, here's a video compilation of the recent IPX* trip to Svalbard (don't forget to hit the HD and full screen buttons, its worth it):
Current revision:
Fuzz's picture

Svalbard 2014

Hope everyone had a happy new year. For anyone interested, here’s a video compilation of the recent IPX* trip to Svalbard (don’t forget to hit the HD and full screen buttons, its worth it):

Svalbard – The High Arctic from Peter Cox on Vimeo.

Link in case embed doesn’t work:

If you look closely, you can see Shad and I in the boat (I’m the asian guy, Shad’s the asian girl).

*- IPX = For the purposes of this story, IPX = Peter Cox and his associates. Credit where credits due, this lucky bastard got to travel through Svalbard and get some amazing footage from an area I’ve only ever read about or seen pictures of. Check it out.