Comparing two revisions:

Revisions for Miscreated

Sun, 06/09/2015 - 10:56 by n0madSat, 09/09/2017 - 09:48 by n0mad
Changes to First Played
Changes to Body
"Miscreated Map":
"Miscreated Map":
Current revision:
n0mad's picture



2089. The Earth is in ruins from two major nuclear wars. Civilization has collapsed and the majority of mankind has been wiped out. Each day is a struggle to find food and water to live, weapons for defense, and gear to withstand the harsh unforgiving wasteland that was once earth. The city centers and areas once called home and work are now populated by grotesque mutated humans, minds rotten from radiation and sickness. Bandits fight for control of what’s left, executing everyone they come across or using them for slave labor and food. This is the world as it exists today, there is no law. Kill or be killed. Survive or Die.

First Played: 
Thu, 03/09/2015 - 14:00

Miscreated Map