Comparing two revisions:

Revisions for IPX vs vF - ETQW GA Ladder - S01G14 - Final 1

Fri, 25/04/2008 - 20:27 by HashyFri, 25/04/2008 - 20:35 by n0mad
Changes to Body
{background:#FFFFFF}. |Ltmon|-|-|-|
{background:#FFFFFF}. |Ltmon|-|-|-|
{background:#dddddd}. |Luckless|-|-|-|
{background:#dddddd}. |Luckless|-|-|-|
{background:#FFFFFF}. |n0mad|Yes|Yes|-|
{background:#FFFFFF}. |n0mad|Yes|Yes|Death to them|
Revision of Fri, 25/04/2008 - 20:35:
Fuzz's picture

IPX vs TBA - Finals match 1

30/04/2008 20:00
30/04/2008 22:00

Who: TBA (depends on the outcome of Regulation match 13)
Date & Time: TBA – If we lose Reg match 13 we play Wed 30th April 8pm. If we win Thurs 1st May 8pm.
Map: Area 22
Organiser: Fuzz
Captain: Volunteers?
Where: TBA
Password: See GA Email
Referee Requested: No
Practice Session: Tuesday 29th, April, 8PM start (regular weekly practice session).
Result: TBA

The first finals match for IPX depends on the result of their final regulation match. I’m posting this now even though the day is not finalised to give everyone as much chance to see and mark their availability for both days so have the best chance of avoiding a forfeit.

Please mark your availability below.


Team IPX Wednesday 30th 8PM (if we lose to tW on Sunday) Thursday 1st 8PM (if we beat tW or they forfeit on Sunday) Comment
Bloodstorm - - -
Fuzz Yes Yes -
Haklin - - -
HarassmentPanda - - -
Hashy Yes Yes Death to the opposition!
Kazozza - - -
Ltmon - - -
Luckless - - -
n0mad Yes Yes Death to them


Team IPX Wednesday 30th 8PM (if we lose to tW on Sun Thursday 1st 8PM if we beat tW (or they forfeit) Comment
CombatChuck No No Joined after finals roster lock
Robag No No Joined after finals roster lock