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Revision of 22/05/2007 - IPX News Edition 7 - Shads back.... Samurai Shad from Sat, 01/09/2007 - 19:38

Greetings and welcome to the 7th Edition of IPX news.

After subject call from the referee Sha8doW was sent to the Penalty box with the “2 Weeks for Banging” penalty.
After an issue with the “LOCK” on the door Sha8doW was let back out onto the “ICE” a day late… another injustice at the hands of the referees!
Sha8doW released a statement before being cut off by his legal advisors “B!TCHES…Shads Back… Samurai Shad… And to you TRUCKIN morons, you know who im talking bout, get your grubby mits off the server… RISE UP PEOPLE make a stand and FIGHT the oppression!………” Said Sha8doW before being cut off by IPX legal advisors who made the following comment

“Mr Sha8doW will maintain his good record but will remain vigilant toward the over zelous admin whom may abuse their powers. We are also waiting for IRC powers to be returned…. Mr Sha8doW has no further comment”

In an unrelated story FUZZ has been Fighting the Power! More to come shortly…


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  • Avast! This website be taken over by pirates on September 19th. Yarr!

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