Bloodstorm's blog


There is an Incoming Blooddrop. Most of yas should know what that means but i trust if not Robag and Matt will be able to explain.

There will be Challenges for Boy vs Girl and due date to come.

Game Arena 8v8 Ladder

Please put you name down if you wish to play.
After we can see some numbers we can get better idea of weather we can field a team.

(New members who havnt been very active recently this is a great opportunity to show IPX how awsum you are!!)

Team IPX Want to playing Comment
Blood Y 8v8 should be fun
Chipper - -
Crazy_As n um id don’t have the game so i don’t think i can help
Deadite Y Blood updated cos Deadite is so dam lazy
Fuzz No -
Harassment Panda - -
Hashy - -
Kippa y bring on the pain
Limpet y i’ll be there, strongly worded notes may interfere
Ltmon - -
Mattatuide Y 6 v 6 would be better but hey
Microman Y Sure thing

Dirt 3

Dont know bout you guys but i think this sounds F**king awsum!
Bring on the Audi


Hey guys just noticed before one of the polls from a few weeks ago is still running and keeps popping up on main page. Prob worth noting that when ya make the 3 star (or whatever the poll may be for) its worth putting and end date on so it dosnt stick round for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever!

Stop trying to steal our stuff you silly aussies!/photo.php?pid=4175312&id=154023188536

Didnt know the All whites were an Australasian team.

Movie of the year

Just watched Zombieland and i have to say it is the best movie this year by far.
So bloody funny it is a must watch for anyone with a sense of humor!!!!!!!!

Modern Warfare 2 Review

For the last few days I have been playing this game. I loved the first one but I have to say this one blows it out of the water by miles. It is a truly fantastic game.
The gfx are top notch, It has a gripping story line and you get to do all sorts of crazy things like climbing and ice cliff, riding a snow mobile. Once you have finished the story its not all over there is a couple dozen single missions you can do with a friend or own your own some of which are very challenging. It also has a very enjoyable multi-player aspect with several different game types like deathmatch. capture the flag and many others.


As you all know it was IPX Prac last nite (Disapproving look to all who didnt show). It wasnt a bad turnout even Fuzz entered muffin to give the team a sturing speech before returning to hiding (incase the FBI finds him). However one IPX member who shall remain nameless did very well to attend prac in the state she was in (oh no did i just give away who it was). This member may have had a few drinks before attending the prac and i know what your thinking “Rule 45” but the BOD let it go this time. Now this member who shall remain nameless did try very hard at prac but did find it hard to find the buttons. This member was very vocal about the buttons and also about her brother and then about something else i couldnt really tell it was hard to understand. Somthing like “AHH WHERES THE F**KING BUTTONS mumble mumble RAHH BROTHER AHH BUTTONS RAH mumble mumble”

Tom Clancy's HAWX

Yes it’s that time again, Review time. Now as I know Shad and n0mad have noticed that for the last couple of weeks I have been playing a new game (see above). Now since they have both been nagging me like little girls (:p) about what it’s like it made me think “review time” so with no further adieu shall we get into it.

First things first, if you don’t like flying games then you should go right now because you will not like this review and Shad will post a rant when he finds out that you don’t.
There are not many really strong games that grab you in the aerial combat genre but I have found this game is hard to put down. We will start with the single player campaign.

So ya dont go swiming back home?

A giant fossil sea monster found in the Arctic and known as “Predator X” had a bite that would make T-Rex look feeble, scientists said.

The 15-metre long Jurassic era marine reptile had a crushing 15 tonnes per square inch bite force, the Natural History Museum of Oslo University said of the new find on the Norwegian Arctic archipelago of Svalbard.

“With a skull that’s more than 3 metres long you’d expect the bite to be powerful but this is off the scale,” said Joern Hurum, an associate professor of vertebrate paleontology at the museum who led the international excavation in 2008.

“It’s much more powerful than T-Rex,” he said of the pliosaur reptile that would have been a top marine predator. Tyrannosaurus Rex was a top land carnivore among dinosaurs.

The scientists reconstructed the predator’s head and estimated the force by comparing it with the similarly-shaped jaws of alligators in a park in Florida.

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