Smokin' Guns / Padman Fun Night - Friday 29 June at 8pm

chipper's picture

Anyone keen on a casual fun night of pointing cursors and clicking mouses at each other?

If so let’s warm up a server and see if a prolonged absence from these two beloved games has resulted in us miraculously becoming good at them.

For those that are new to the games, both are free and run on pretty much anything.
Information on both can be found at the following IPX pages:




- World of Padman

- Smokin’ Guns

Suggest installing early and giving them a bit of a test run before 8pm on Friday 29 June.

Server details to be confirmed.


Robag's picture

owww nice Chipper

get you some……

let me check to see if the IPX servers are still up to date


linuxslacker's picture

sounds fun

count me in!

wonder if there’s any newer clients around maybe ill compile the latest versions with newer ioq3 source!

Fuzz's picture

I'm in!

Great idea Chip. It’s been too long.

Looking forward to it.

Robag's picture

SG Server

looks like it works. I need some more time for the WOP serve


chipper's picture


Cool looks like we have quorum.

Robag, if the WOP server is a drama we can make this a SG night and do a WOP night some other time (listens for n0mad’s scream of noooooooooo).

ltmon's picture

In the calendar!

I’ll come out of hibernation for that.

Do we still have a discord/mumble/whatever for voice chat?

chipper's picture


Hi Lt, mumble still works though you might need to update if it has been a while :)

Fuzz's picture


We also have a Discord, if anyone’s interested in joining that:

Somtin's picture


Ugh I’m away for that weekend including the Friday evening… :-(

I’m going to have to organise a padman event myself sometime I think because I missed the last one too …

Robag's picture

Good News All

the SG and Wop servers are still good and i can run them up when required


n0mad's picture

n0mad In


aim t0 b there
l00king f0rward 2 sum Smokin’ Guns bank robbery games

Padman is fun but I n0w leane t0wards SG as it is balanced well.


Smokin’Guns 0n Saturdays was always full servers

chipper's picture

thanks Robag!

Thank you for sorting the servers mate!

ltmon's picture

Locked & loaded

I’ve got both games and Mumble back up and running now.

Smokin’ Guns graphics looks so awful, but the interesting weapon balance and ammunition/reload balancing act make it the most fun IMO.

chipper's picture


Looking forward to it… :)

Robag's picture

Servers are up and running

WoP Is in the server browser

use \connect for the SG Server


n0mad's picture


Stuck and can’t make it.

Have fun.


chipper's picture


Big thank you for last night guys. It was really good to see everyone in mumble and fragging the bejebus out of each other!

Will have a look at Fistful of Frags for the next one. Links for those that want to get ready early are: and

ltmon's picture

GG all

Was good to hear to you all again.

My vote for FoF and Padman for next time.

Fuzz's picture


agreed. So much fun to catch up with everyone again.

Thanks Chip and Ro for organising. Much appreciated.

Looking forward to the next :)

PS. n0mad and Somtim, we missed you in Padman. It’s been so long the first round was just everyone trying to figure out how to play again.

Somtin's picture

next time!

Yes, well I’ll have to organise it next time so it falls on a date I’m available! ;)

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