New Minecraft server

First off, sorry man. I know you bought a server, but it is all the way in France and its a bit hard to play on some times. Thank you all the same for doing that though, it was very much appreciated. After having a major lag out, losing every thing I had from dying in a wall that wasnt there and respawning in the ocean not knowing where to go… well I went and got my own server. I did this for myself, but I figured I would share the joy.

Server details run down:
Based in Brisbane, QLD
1gig Ram
High up time (only down for Minecraft updates)
Fixed unique IP (I may get a domain name, or if Robag wants to arrange this I can IPX tag it?)
Custom Mods/Bukkit plugins (It will take me a couple of days to get this up and running, Im new to it. Yes I want to do it myself as part of my learning curve)
White listed (Please comment your username and I will add it as soon as I can)
Multi Ops/admins (I will give out this access as we go along. I am not sure about who to give it to just yet or if I will give out access at all. Tricky thing to pick one person and not another)
Possible upgrade (Depending on donations and how often/many people jump on, I might up the RAM if needed)
Custom maps (I might run custom maps some nights like the weekends. I can backup the world and load a custom one for fun, like Survival Island)
6 MONTH CONTRACT!!! (I signed it up for 6 months, so its not going any where any time soon. So try not to fuck up the game world to much lol, I want it to last as long as possible)

Ok, so I shelled out $246 for this. I am more then happy to carry the burden of the cost. But if you want to pitch in any money for this, I am grateful for the good will.

Thanks all,
I will get back to with more details as I know them.


(PS. Im hoping to have the server up and ready to roll by weekends end. Depends when the server goes live as to when I can start setting it up.)


^ this guy

thats dedication (logan to) im thinking Svalbards

i am sure that everyone is thankfull

Robag's picture


happy to setup a DNS name for you Delta.
just PM the ipaddress when you get it.


Microman's picture

Server Management

Hey Delta,

If you need any help, let me know. I’ve been managing the minecraft server since we got the IPX one all modded up.



Cheers Robag

I have it, but right now I think I might just try getting this server up and running… I have just spent the last 3 hours searching for a way to load mods on this damn server. Seems for now all I can do is put plugins or custom maps. If that is the case, Im going to be very angry with the providers.

Oh well if you can... can you come on mumble????

I could really use some help

Microman is in charge for today...

Speak to him about what is happening, Im out till much later tonight. Robag, the ip address is Thanks guys.

Oh and the idea about maybe running the survival map till we get the .jar file running might be a good idea.

Catch ya later people.

Microman's picture

Good to go

The mods are installed, and the spawn seems to be stable now. Where I spawned on the first restart was NOT the spawn. This was the same issue we had with the last server.

It seems that you need to restart the server in order to get the spawn in the right place. I’ve killed myself four times along with restarting the server, and the spawn now seems stable.

Thanks man

Ok all good to tag up Robag. I have set the server to open for now. Jump in and get your nick tagged in the player log and I will add you to the whitelist and lock down the server in the next couple of days. For the help, MM I have upped your access to Mod along with Loganiator as promised. Will add more as we need them.

Robag's picture

new dns record

hi all
here is the address for the minecraft server


Tripsicle98's picture

Thanks Delta

I was going to have to break the news to you guys some time. I Recieved an email from the host saying that they were putting there prices up by $25 dollars and i just cant afford that . Delta you deserve A VB

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