IPX Minecraft Server (final summary post)

10 slot server open to all IPX members and friends. As of today, the server is on lockdown. If you want in, you will need to let me know so I can add you to the server listing. The server OPs/Admins will be myself, MM and Loganator. If there are any problems please send one of us a PM or raise the issue on Mumble when you see us.

Due to a server crash and no backup, I will be trying to make daily backups so that at the very least we dont lose any further effort made on the server. I will be making a list of Do’s and Dont’s. There is no more warnings from this point on, I dont care who you are if you brake these rules, you will get a permanent ban with no warning. This is your warning. This ban could under some instances be reviewed, but I suppose it would depend on the person and the reason for the original ban. If you have any rules you would like to add to the list please list them below. If you are added to the server list, you agree to follow these rules. Im not doing this to be an overlord… I just feel for those that keep losing all the effort they put in. I hope this will cure any further problems we will have for the future.

All up, play safe and fare and enjoy yourself guys. Dont grief and you should be good.


1. Do not use any explosives larger then TNT and do not use more then one at a time
2. If it has the word or has to do with it being Nuclear… dont use it.
3. No stealing (This means staying away from dropped items after death, unless asked by that player)
4. No blowing up or damaging other peoples areas
5. No mining into or around other people areas
6. No killing other players, either by mistake (Oh I didnt mean to drill your head) or deliberate (But Delta, it happens… be more careful then :D)
7. No griefing (If I havent covered it, this should. You all know what that means)
Note: A players area is a 50 block radius from his house. If you arent sure if you are going to mine into that area, or you arent sure how big there house will be… build/mine the other way, simple. This rule can only be changed by the owner of this area.


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