Newbie Guide: How to shop at MSY Australia

Fuzz's picture

Laughed my arse off reading this. For anyone in the dark, MSY is a very cheap hardware shop. I’ve heard many a story (Panda mostly) about how terrible the experience is buying from there. Anyway, have a read, while I continue to be thankful I’ve never tried to buy from there.

(Avoiding stabs in the eye by not saying Cheers or k thx bye)


n0mad's picture

Next Weeeeeeek

What truth in the story told within…………….Funny Stuff……

I knew walking in on a Saturday morning lined up out in the street was a sign of desperation to save a few dollars but when I got 2 the counter with Bars over the desk I thought mmmm I know what I want and goddamit they better have it, after listening to the salesman remind the guy that a USB drive does not fit into a CD Rom tray I thought they better have my part and as I got closer the FAIL was nearer as the guy in front said, great way to spend ya saturday ay :P It was my turn ding went the asian bell with sum doll looking freaky thing with arms swinging around that made me laugh “Do these guys really worship this FN thing” and as I spoke clear engrish my answer was “Next Weeeeeeeek”………….

And n0 I never went there again because I knew what the answer would B “Next Weeeeeeek”



HAHAHAHA lol. I once had to wait in line behind a guy who didnt know anything about computers, who wanted to upgrade him RAM. What type of RAM? “Urrr I dont know der-higgit”

He is now buried somewhere near frankston

*evil grin

willow's picture


I used to work at MSY…lol jokes….tbh never heard of it till now.

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