'Warcraft' Sequel Lets Gamers Play A Character Playing 'Warcraft'
‘Warcraft’ Sequel Lets Gamers Play A Character Playing ‘Warcraft’
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‘Warcraft’ Sequel Lets Gamers Play A Character Playing ‘Warcraft’
Ya enjoying FO3
Hey HP,
h0ws Fallout 3 treating U ?
Fallout 3 Padman Fallout 3
Haven't had the time to play it yet
Want to set a good day or two aside to play it straight for a bit before I start, otherwise I will end up staying up until some ridiculous time for the first week – ah memories of Oblivion; in my first week of playing that I some how managed to keep going to work and still clock up 40 hours playing it in a single week.
Have you been playing it much?
Yer about 24 Hours a week
Great Game, bit disappointed that you feel like they have dumbed down the adult content but hey atleast ya can
explore wherever you want but note that sum area’s have impossible Monsters stopping you from venturing further
but if you hide and sneak pass them all area’s can be accessed.
I would however recommend The Witcher – Enhanced Edition over it tho as the adult content and excellent story beats FO3 hands down…..
So my stars would look like this;
Fallout 3 – 7/10
Subject to change the further I get in.
The Witcher – Enhanced Edition – 11/10
Yep it’s a must have, I would say even better than Oblivion
And a word to the wise LOOK OUT FOR TRAPS in FO3………
Wondering over the entire map skipping any tasks……….
Zero Puncuation reviews FO3
So he sort of liked it? I’ll have to crack it out soon and see what its all like. Interesting point about the likeness to Oblivion, it was one thing Bethesda kept trying to distinguish this game from, obviously didn’t do enough if that was there primary goal. So if I summarise with it being the equivalent of oblivion with AK’s then all should be good.
Pretty Good
Yep as he said
Better than a 6 anyway….
First Zero-punctuation I actually laughed along every joke, except maybe 2…..
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