DNF: Hail To The King Baby!
h0pefully this is 0ne step cl0ser t0 0ne 0f 0ur m0st anticipated games 0f all time.. still d0nt h0ld y0ur breathe.
Funny that I f0und the c0ver s0ng 0f the Duke Nukem theme s0ng the 0ther day that kaz0zza c0pied 0ver t0 us via bluet00th at the last LAN here at IPX h0me base ( y0u kn0w, the 0ne where I nearly killed everyb0dy with a tank 0f LPG and a cigarette… 0h y0u didn’t kn0w that.. disregard disregard… =p) t0 test 0ut the bluet00th d0ngle.
h0nestly, if this game never c0mes 0ut, s0meb0dy is g0nna have their heads ripped 0ff and… 0ne 0f y0u can finish this line f0r me.. ;p
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