Firstly, my long absence, again, my apologies.. It ain’t over till its over.. I am going through hell and back ( for reasons I shall not discuss).. However I am fucking tops after being clear of that Zyprexa… My brain actually WORKS again… Thanks Doctors.. Dickheads… Still on that topic, when I saw the doctor last week…. I told him what a NIGHTMARE it was coming off that stuff…. 5 minutes later, hes asking me if I want to go back on it or not…. sigh… drug dealers…..
Now… For those of you who are up a little too late on your computers, exposing yourself too that lovely high Kelvin light… Some help is here!
I am sure some of you already know of these, and maybe use them yourself, but i only just thought of the bloody idea today.. So thought why not give it a go, and it really isn’t that bad so far =)
f.lux is for Windows (also supported by Linux and iOS), and RedShift is specifically for Linux.