Hashy's blog

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Samsung Galaxy S3 - Since 1970


“Expected Release Date 01/01/1970”


But seriously.

It appears from what I’ve found so far, that MobiCity have a pretty good deal on their 4G Galaxy S4. A little ambiguous as to when they are going to start shipping them. The i9500 (3G version) should start shipping today I think? But the i9505 might not move for an extra week or so? ( their site did say something only last night about the 6th of May, which they have removed today from the listing..)
EDIT: Okay so they have Expected Release Date for the i9500 on MobiCity for the 6th of May. No telling for the i9505 though.

So from the 3 online retailers I have been scoping out, heres the prices, but then the catches:

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Whats for Dinner/Dessert?

Tonight.. I shall have..

Ricin a Pressure Cooker….

Mudcake for dessert… Can you guess what kind?

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Kogan & His Antics...


Well Kogan.. If that is your real name….


or you could be patient, save a bit of cash, AND pick your own colour.. =p


“Yesh we save you good dollar, besht price, special discount for yooooou”

Seriously.. keep me the F**K off of eBay and off of buying cheap sh!t from China… NO I don’t mean crappy poor quality; I’m buying the same sh!t Aussie retailers import,I am just getting it from the source and saving myself $$$ in the process… But seriously… Badly addictive…. MUST..CLOSE..EBAY ACCOUNT… xD

Your move, “Kogan”….. =p

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Irony of 2012 - Hashy's Perspective


So this year was the Year of the Water Dragon. I am an Earth Dragon. Earth + Water = Mud = BOGGY SH!T… Hence I got not much done.. That’s my excuse and I’m “sticking” too it!!!

Also, everybody on Skype thought I was black for a year until they saw a picture of me, and the Christians thought I was a Muslim for some reason I again cannot fathom…..

Final words of wisdom for the the of the Dragon year:

“Smack a sleeping Dragon on the nose, do not complain when it burns you with its breath once it awakes.” Ancient Chinese Proverb

Okay I just made that up….. Ask me to explain it another time!

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Still Alive?

Are we still alive….?

I can’t ever tell the difference… But the flea trap works rather nicely… watching those blood sucking parasites drown is satisfying.. AND IM A FRIGGING NATURE LOVING PSEUDO HIPPIE!!!!

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f.lux & RedShift


Firstly, my long absence, again, my apologies.. It ain’t over till its over.. I am going through hell and back ( for reasons I shall not discuss).. However I am fucking tops after being clear of that Zyprexa… My brain actually WORKS again… Thanks Doctors.. Dickheads… Still on that topic, when I saw the doctor last week…. I told him what a NIGHTMARE it was coming off that stuff…. 5 minutes later, hes asking me if I want to go back on it or not…. sigh… drug dealers…..

Now… For those of you who are up a little too late on your computers, exposing yourself too that lovely high Kelvin light… Some help is here!

I am sure some of you already know of these, and maybe use them yourself, but i only just thought of the bloody idea today.. So thought why not give it a go, and it really isn’t that bad so far =)

f.lux is for Windows (also supported by Linux and iOS), and RedShift is specifically for Linux.

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doodizm In Norway

Morning Fellas…

So Kazashi & I gave doodizm ( our sis) a mission during her & Paul’s little trek…

( the sound is very low, will need to turn it right up.. But you get the picture..)

It had to be done!

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WOPIT #4 - Final Date Confirmation


Okay so WOPIT #4 is scheduled to take place in two weeks time. I’ve noticed that Fuzz has marked down as a No for the 14th, but a Yes for the 7th. So if there are no objections, I will change the date to the 7th, which is one week from today, as everybody who has been marked down for attendance has given a Yes for that day.

Also, if you have the time, please fill out the map choice table at the bottom of the WOPIT #4 event post as nobody else except myself has filled it out yet.


Cyas in the arena of awesomeness.

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Curiosity Lands!! MSL on Mars


So this afternoon should be the do or die moment for the billion dollar rover.

9 hours from now, so about 2-3 this afternoon for us east coast Aussies.


Landing coverage LIVE NOW on NASA TV – http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html

EDIT: Check this out.. Can watch the whole thing simulated!!! Avast sandbox complained but its good! Try it!. http://eyes.nasa.gov/index.html

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Foreign Correspondent 31JUL12 - Korea : Wired


So just watching this in the background right now, but will go back and give it a proper detailed watch. Thought I should share with the Team, as it is relevant to our gaming activities.

Please watch, and discuss!

http://www.abc.net.au/foreign/content/2012/s3557618.htm click play video to watch.


goto ABC IView and browse or search for “Foreign Correspondent” http://www.abc.net.au/iview/#/news

Basically its about South Korea’s and North Korea’s contrasting digital cultures. Some of the problems that South Korean’s are experiencing with games, as well as North Korea haxxoring the South? Not sure.. Gotta watch more!

Give it a try, should only be 27mins of your time.

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