Last Day for The Humble Indie Bundle - or is it?

Kazashi's picture

There have been some major updates to The Humble Indie Bundle today. I’ll leave the original post here, and new information will follow down below.

As of this posting there are less than 14 hours left to go get a copy of The Humble Indie Bundle. To be precise, the offer finishes at 6am (AEST) tomorrow morning (being 12 May 2010…. to be precise….). Thanks to those IPX members who contributed and received their bundles of joy, those who haven’t now have until tomorrow morning to contribute to the $850,000+ that has so far been raised for the developers, the EFF, and Child’s Play charity.

Is there a goal to reach? The developers have stated that if the magical $1,000,000 mark is reached, all the games will be made open source, meaning even more platforms can be reached, and more modifcations can be made (can you say, ninja turtles in Lugaru?).

Big thanks to my fellow Linux users, who have reached into their pockets so deeply to represent themselves, contributing an average of over $14 per purchase, desperate that we are for good quality games.

To further sweeten the deal, a new game has been donated to the bundle. Samorost 2 is an adventure/puzzle game with some stunning surrealistic artwork.

One last note: people have been pirating this bundle. If I find that any IPX members have done so, there will be consequences. There is simply no excuse.

As of this morning, the bundle had reached the $1 million mark! Not only does this mean that the games will be made open source, it means they have also extended the offer by another 4 days.

What does open sourcing mean? It means that the underlying source code from which the games are built is now (or shortly) available to download and modify. The game still has to be paid for, but now people are free to port it to a host of other platforms and make improvements. The same kind of thing which has happened to Quake 1/2/3 etc. and allowed games like Padman to be developed.

So, if you haven’t yet, get paying, get playing. If you don’t have access to Paypal, Google Checkout, or a credit/debit card and still want in on this deal, let me know and we can work something out.


Hashy's picture


Just tried out my first game from the bundle, Lugaro. Pretty cool! Have to give it a proper good run later on, just went through the tutorial phase. Havn’t tried any of the others yet, besides the World of Goo which I demoed ages ago.

C’mon team! Pitch in. NINJA TURTLES!!!!

Hashy's picture

Awesome Awesome AWESOME!!

H00AH!! Great stuff in reaching $1 million!!! Thanks to everybody that donated! Tis truly a great day for opensource!!

Kazashi.. Break out the Turtle skin’s, and start modeling!!!! =D

Kazashi's picture


It’s a great day for indie gaming. Although the CEO of EA or Activision could wipe their bums with $1m, it shows that there is a demand in untapped markets previously ignored (i.e. Mac and Linux), and that restrictive DRM is not the way to get people to fork over their hard earned.

If only Lugaru had multiplayer…. maybe someone with enough coding skill could implement it. There is a model import/export script for Blender, so maybe turtles will be on the cards?

Robag's picture

Even Split $10/$10

oww more games to download
nice find Kazashi.

Steam can kiss my A$$


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