How to play back demos
Many of you might not know that you can do some pretty cool things other than just watch yourself in a demo, so I will show you a pretty good config.
First, go in game and create a new player. Then quit.
Then, go to D:\Users\Kraizen\Documents\id Software\Enemy Territory – QUAKE Wars\sdnet\kraizen\etqwpro or your equivilent directory (if it doesnt exist create it in the new players profile)
Then create a file called autoexec.cfg
Then paste in the following and save and quit:
// GreasedScotsman’s Replay Config
// HUD Toggle
bind “MOUSE1” “toggle g_showHUD; toggle ui_showGun; com_showFPS 0” “ALT” “default”
// Demo Scale Controls
bind “KP_INS” “cvaradd demo_scale 1.0” “” “default”
bind “KP_DEL” “cvaradd demo_scale -1.0” “” “default”
bind “MWHEELUP” “cvaradd demo_scale 0.1” “CTRL” “default”
bind “MWHEELDOWN” “cvaradd demo_scale -0.1” “CTRL” “default”
bind “MOUSE1” “toggle demo_scale 10 1” “CTRL” “default”
bind “MOUSE2” “pausenetdemo” “CTRL” “default”
bind “MOUSE3” “demo_scale 1.0” “CTRL” “default”
// Demo Cam Speed Controls
// Default
seta pm_democamspeed 200
bind “MWHEELUP” “cvaradd pm_democamspeed 100” “ALT” “default”
bind “MWHEELDOWN” “cvaradd pm_democamspeed -100” “ALT” “default”
bind “MOUSE2” “toggle demo_noclip 1 0” “ALT” “default”
bind “MOUSE3” “pm_democamspeed 200” “ALT” “default”
To use: Couple of the mousewheel and mousebutton things need you to hold down control to use the alternate command.
Enjoy and HF!
Oh yeah ;)
I <3 Pr0s13
I tried somthing like this once
But I found that when ever I ran a config like this; I would need to re-setup my in-game config.
How do you swap between the two?
Also is there any way to rewind a demo?
Okay, what you need to do is
Okay, what you need to do is setup the autoexec in the profile folder within sdnet.
Sdnet contains most of the details specific to the profile’s u use in game, and there are seperate folders for each name.
There is also a hidden folder somewhere that contains further profile setup stuff (like tooltips etc) but those are irrelevant in the main.
So, if you put the autoexec in the right folder, it should not affect the profile you use for gaming.
My additions
A couple of things:
1. Bind playback speed to mouse wheel via toggle instead of just adding speed. This stops you stuffing it up and sending the demo into super fast forward. Alos is an addition of a chat message telling you what you just did:
seta writeDemoScaleInfo “addchatline $demo_scale”
// control playback speed with mouse wheel
bind “MOUSE3” “demo_scale 1.0; vstr writeDemoScaleInfo” “” “default”
bind “MWHEELUP” “toggle demo_scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 18 22 28 36 48 60 80 100; vstr writeDemoScaleInfo” “” “default”
bind “MWHEELDOWN” “toggle demo_scale 100 80 60 48 36 28 22 18 14 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1; vstr writeDemoScaleInfo” “” “default”
bind “MWHEELUP” “toggle demo_scale 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9; vstr writeDemoScaleInfo” “F” “default”
bind “MWHEELDOWN” “toggle demo_scale 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1; vstr writeDemoScaleInfo” “F” “default”
2. DEL toggles between spectator and player view, “,” and “.” toggles which player you are following, with a chatline to tell you:
// toggle player view / spectator view
set ViewPlay “g_showDemoView 0; demo_noclip 1; bind DEL $ViewSpec “
set ViewSpec “g_showDemoView 1; demo_noclip 0; bind DEL $ViewPlay “
bind DEL $ViewPlay
bind “.” “cycle g_testSpectator -1 14 1 ; addchatline ‘Player n°’ ;addchatline $g_testSpectator” “” “default”
bind “,” “cycle g_testSpectator 14 -1 -1; addchatline ‘Player n°’ ;addchatline $g_testSpectator; “ “” “default”
3. PGUP to toggle the demo HUD, which is for controlling the demo:
bind “PGUP” “ toggle g_showdemohud 1 0” “” “default”
4. Use “E” to toggle showskel, useful if you’re searching for wallhackers ;)
bind E ‘toggle r_showSkel 0 1 2’;
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