ETQW for Linux is in beta

ltmon's picture

Well, it’s exciting for me… I actually might get the chance to have a game with you guys at some stage.

Unfortunately they’ve chosen a closed beta for Linux, rather than an open one. – who knows why. But it seems that if I fork out the cash I’ll be able to pick up a Linux-ised copy sometime in October or November.


Fuzz's picture

vote 1 ltmon buys ET:QW

Cool! That’s great news, we need your support in QW. The team is a little over represented by the nutters right now. Lookin forward to it coming out so we can play more than one level.

Kazashi's picture


I too will be forking out for ETQW when it’s released. Might have to wait a couple of weeks to play it, but at least one developer is nice enough to give me linux gaming.

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