Vote Quimby!

ltmon's picture

Dragon at GA has posted a poll for settings for next season of ET:QW, as the conversation surrounding it devolves into a nice flamefest. It’s not clear if this vote will be “definitive” but I think it’s just a way for the gameops to get a quick idea of how people in the ladder are thinking.

The polls involve:
– Restrict deployables or not
– Restrict radar or not
– Restrict heavy weapons or not
– Restrict bumblebee or not

You can find it here:

Vote Quimby


You’re not wrong

You’re not wrong ltmon,

Problem is, no matter what gets decided on there are going to be people unhappy! but at least we’re all getting a ‘say’ in the ruleset.. lets hope some of the new pub clans get involved hey!

Fuzz's picture


Thanks for pointing us to this Ltmon. I’ve got my votes in.

Vote Quimby for President

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