Timezone changes

ltmon's picture

It’s currently daylight savings (GMT+11) in Victoria.

I’m not sure if any other states have this time at the moment, but can someone let me know if we are going to practice at 8pm or 9pm tonight (depending on where you live).



Robag's picture

DST in the ACT


ACT had DST changes as well
i am good to go at 8pm

n0mad's picture

Game in Vic Time

Hope this helps

On the left is the graph showing current times around Australia…

I think we should game Victoria time as we are know as
Victoria is the Gaming Capital of Australia (VGCA for short)

or we just join on ltmon on Tuesday nights :)

Current time for n0mad’s computer is 00/00/00 with a time stamp of 00:00

Hashy's picture


ltmon's picture

Sorry for bailing

Sorry guys, had to leave the server at short notice due to unexpected visitors. Looks like we had plenty of players online and a good game going anyway.

Was kind of fun to be playing canyon in a scrim :)

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