Iron Grip: Warlord Released

ltmon's picture

I pointed this one out a few months ago. It’s a FPS made from a highly modified Quake 3 engine, with a fantasy/steampunk kind of theme to it. It focuses on big battles with a small group of elite fighters (playable online in multiplayer co-op) defending against invading hordes. It features some RTS features as well.

I first noticed the game due to the inclusion of some of the Padman creators in the team working on this, so you can be sure of the pedigree of the developers :) It’s hardly going to replace ET type games (no versus multiplayer, unlikely to be a strong Aussie community), but I think it looks like fun. Check out the trailer:

The Windows version is out, with Linux soon to follow. Can one of you Windows people download and play the demo for me, so I can work out whether it’s worth the $25 to buy.

P.S. Just read in their forums that the Co-op multiplayer is intended to be one of several multiplayer game styles, with more to come.


n0mad's picture

Been Waiting for this

Looks great, h0w it plays g0t n0 idea…

I’ll test it on my Vista Machine t0night LT…..

Rocket with Shield mmm
Molitile Cocktails mmm


Hashy's picture

Lets rock it!!

Lets rock it!!

ltmon's picture

Played it... it's fun!

Had a spare lunch break, so I worked out how to get it running under WINE so I could play it. The first map of 6 released is in the demo, so it’s pretty good to play without buying the full game yet.

It plays very well under wine on my laptop with all settings maxed out, so I’m happy. It’s actually quite pretty, the upgraded rendering of the Q3 engine isn’t awesome graphics, but it is quite pretty I find.

First impressions: It plays a bit like a beefed up “Desktop Tower Defence” in 3D multiplayer. The enemy comes in waves, so you spend all the time between those waves desperately trying to upgrade your weapons, set up some better defensive points and repair your turrets etc. etc. Quite an intense game so far, as you can be quite quickly overwhelmed by the hordes.

Looks like it’ll be good for some fun as a co-op game once we get used to the game mechanics. The hardest difficulty setting had me wiped out within a few minutes!

Hashy's picture

$$$ ca-ching

Okies so I still havn’t looked into this game yet, but will soon enough.

Now if this were to become our next main IPX game, only for example, then, were gonna have to pay for it! lol
Now this particular game being a bargin at $25.

Now I would like to suggest that, to help spread the game amongst the team, that a couple of us step forward to help subsidize the game.

For example,

The game is $25 ( probably USD given my luck :P). Now I would be glad and happy to help pay for abit of the game for others. I would be alright with subsidizing $5 for say, 3-4 other team mates. If a couple others here would be willing to do the same, then i’m sure we would have everybody in on there in no time =)

Yes, I do not work and i am on Colonel C’Link, and I am willing to do this. Anyone else game to step upto the same challenge, if its gonna spread the help around. =)

Lemme know what yas think.



n0mad's picture

Maybe wise to play Demo

Ok bein playing this s0lid for 2 nights and my conclusi0n is;

n0t w0rth the m0ney….

Engine … Tick
Settings/Opti0ns Menu…. Tick

Map/Gamplay/Powerups……. n0 tick I’m afraid
Well let me start by saying I like the strat idea of stopping h0rdes 0f eager enemy from killing my
Red h0use 0f p0wer …………but
I am 1 wh0m has played Serious Sam 1 and 2 and I feel the need to scream
“wh0 cares if they attack my Red h0use 0f P0wer (RH0P)”
I’m safe ont0p a r00f t0p and still haven’t been seen until sum Flame Thr0wing dude tries t0 sh00t me
way 0ut 0f range all0wing me t0 have a free light 0f my sm0ke :>

Seri0usly, I spent m0re time building Traps like in Dungeon Keeper than 2 worry ab0ut running ar0und like
a n0mad and killing tr00ps and having fun and that’s where this syle 0f gameplay l00ses me, yes I have tried
dr0pping gas traps and standing up 0nt0p 0f a belc0nny and l0bbing m0litile cocktails and sh00ting em but
wheres the fun in it ?

I enj0y ambushes but maybe i want t0 n0mad thr0ugh them than actually set them up…..
s0 that leaves me with the thought that maybe all this would be fun if it was the 0ther way r0und let the
c0mputer set it’s defenses and I’ll n0mad through in sum exciting way and fart 0n there RH0P……

s0 in c0nclusi0n, I’ll be having a g00d l00k int0 L4D and leaving this Warl0rd…..

n0mad gives IG:Warlord – 2 Svalbards out of 5

Fuzz's picture

Node link

For node customers, unmetered node link here:

Hoping to get this running sometime over the weekend.

Robag's picture

RE:$$$ ca-ching

sounds like a good idea hashy I’m in

Fuzz's picture


Interesting idea Hashy. Very kind hearted. I’d consider it, for the right game, and for those that actually needed the help. Would want to make sure the guys we’re subsidising are committed to the team, and taking care of their responsibilities. No point us buying games for people that don’t attend practice regularly / don’t mark their availability for games.

Hashy's picture

Yup I got the demo off of

Yup I got the demo off of node yesterday, installed but havn’t tried it out yet.. The weekend is near… ;)

Robag's picture

IG:Warlord demo

i will try 2 give it a run this weekend

i wonder if i will rate it more than 2 Svalbards out of 5

i will keep u posted

Fuzz's picture

IG Warlord

Had a go of this last night… little too much RTS for me. Sorry Lt

Robag's picture

still 2 Svalbards out of 5

I have had a quick play
It runs very smooth 1280 X1024
the demo is not bad, the weapon switching is a bit nubbed
by when you kill a general the machine gun is a lot of fun
the game has some a few thing going for it.

but still only 2 Svalbards out of 5


Hashy's picture

the shotgun is great up

the shotgun is great up close but takes forever to reload.


HarassmentPanda's picture

Can't be worse than the one in ETQW

It’s more of an egg beater than a shot gun

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