New speakers

ltmon's picture

Keeping myself busy as per normal:

Ta da! It only took my about 18 months from first buying the bits and pieces to finally listening to these things :) They sound very nice... but of course I'm biased.


Microman's picture


Keep up the good work lt!

so nice


Hashy's picture


Very nice Lt. Been thinking a little bit ab0ut new speakers f0r myself t00, 0nes I’m running are as 0ld as my late 70’s amps, and I w0uld seri0usly c0nsider building my 0wn because I just d0nt find m0st 0f whats 0n the market t0 be 0f “s0und” quality f0r my taste. Need at least a decent sized speaker f0r the right s0und, and what ive seen 0n the shelves just have t00 smaller speakers. =/

Hey I might c0ntract y0u 0ne day t0 build them f0r me, l0ve y0ur style t00 =p

you know

With the right speaker sitting there you cant see your photos on the wall

n0mad's picture

LT questi0n is

What Speakers inside ?
W00fer/Midrange Tweeter ?


ltmon's picture


My missus has already told me to move them :) I’ll work out a new position this weekend.


They have a good response down to 35Hz (about as low as any instrument in the symphony orchestra will go), and sound pretty awesome with a big loud movie as well.

The enclosure and crossover is from:

I was going to build the same enclosure in the layered method I showed you a while back, but the cost was too high as it needed laser (or water) cutting to get the result I wanted. I still got the panels for it CNC’d by a commercial speaker manufacturer.

n0mad's picture


Like the l00k

Much m0re clarity 0ver ya 0ld speakers LT ?


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