PerfectSanga's blog

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Hey guys, just curious, so, one of my principles at school is discriminating people with bald heads and i feel really bad for all the girls and guys who have shaved there heads. Any ideas on how to help them out?

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Okay, Tell me this...

We haven’t had one of our L4D or L4D2 games in a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time! So, I thought I’d ask! If i was to arrange one!? WHO WOULD SHOW UP! Whens everyone free, what night? Hopefully we can all get something sorted and get some serious L4D2 going! (:

- Sanga

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40 Hour Famine!

Afternoon Everyone!! (: I just wanted to put this up, maybe hoping anyone on here can help me! (: I’m raising money, for people in other countries, for the 40 hour famine, I’m going without furniture. (I wanted to do food but my mum didn’t let me) I was just wondering, if maybe, for a good cause, you would sponsor a bit of money? Even if its only $2 anything can help, my goal is $150, but if I get enough people I can make it happen. If you cant, thats okay! All i ask is to spread my donations to just one or two people! But if you can, then this is a link to my page, where donations can be made! Anything helps! Really (:

Thank you everyone! – Sanga

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I have an 1 extra copy of Awesomenauts! So, whoever doesn’t have the game? Speeeeeak up! haha, I’ll give it to first in best dress (:

Coolbeans – Sanga

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Steam Issue

As you all know, I did a full reset of my computer. As I was re-downloading everything it was all working fine, (- the sound issue). But when I finally downloaded Steam and went to log into my account it did the usual “Put the emailed code in for a security measure”, but I never received a code. I don’t know if this is because I may have used a different email but as far as I’m concerned I used my normal Hotmail email to set up my steam account. I’ve been looking on “Steam Help” all morning but nothing is coming up that is of any help to this issue. I was just wondering if anyone knew how to change your steam email without having to validate your account etc. I tried logging onto my steam on the website, but it says my password is invalid. It is like someone has jumped onto my steam, changed the email, and screwed with it. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice?

Thanks – Sanga

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Can you imagine if everyone in IPX drank Powerthirst, we all had 400 babies each, and each baby ran as fast as Kenyans then joined IPX, we would be a super team!

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As of monday!

Yes! I have done it! Managed to get the computer back from my mother and will be UNBANNED as of Monday! She has un-banned me from mumble as of today so Sanga will be back tonight some time! (: Over the weekend my computer is also getting wiped and windows 7 will be re-installed meaning no more alt-tabs out of games! Full computer reset? I think yes! So, I hope to see some of you tonight on mumble, just to chat, and will be very happy to have some games happening over the week! Very keen!

Just thought I’d let you all know I’m still alive (;

- Sanga

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She pulled the plug...

Hey guys, I just wanted to inform you all, the sad sad reality it may be, but at my dads house, I have no games what so ever as my laptop has once again decided to destroy itself, i am at my dads house every Tuesday night, and every second weekend (this weekend) so if any gaming dates/events are arranged i will not be able to attend. At my mums house I am limited due to her lack of understanding in my hobbies and friends. So she has decided to take the computer away from me for a while. (probably between Monday – Wednesday next week I should probably get it back) so i will not be active on my computer until then. She says, I quote “ You are wasting your life on this so I’m pulling the plug. “ and has legitimately unplugged the computer. I will be active for games and everything after Wednesday hopefully if i can talk her back into letting me have the virus infected box back.

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Bored in History!

We today and today only have a supply teacher and I’m doing noooooooooooothinnnnnnnng!!! So, my question is, what should I do? Break out in song and Dance? Dog pile the teacher? Throw my laptop or pen at a powerpoint? I dunno… Im in it for another 30 minutes!


- Sanga

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Sanga needs ideas!

Okay, so the last few days of the holidays there is left, I have a free day where I’m not doing anything! So I was thinking, well why not draw some things! So does anyone have any cartoon characters, names, designs, logos, anything really that I could draw? Maybe something for IPX I don’t know? I just was wondering if you all could help :)

Thanks – Sanga

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